subject: Black Diamonds-A Unique Gift Idea for Christmas [print this page] Black Diamonds-A Unique Gift Idea for Christmas
In the recent years, the fad of Black Diamonds has been quickly increasing and more and more jewelry concepts are being structured on Black Diamonds. Are you aware that even though there are many remarkable dissimilarities between Black Diamonds and conventional diamonds, they are both equally tough and black diamonds are just slightly lower in cost.
When purchasing black diamonds either loose or mounted, there are a few points you ought to acquaint yourself with.
Recognize The Difference Between Natural and Treated Black Diamonds
Natural Black Diamonds end up naturally black due to numerous plate like inclusions, primarily graphite. Inclusions are gaseous or other particles that get tombed in the diamonds when they formed.
As a result of the many inclusions, natural black diamonds are very difficult to cut and polish. Not only are they highly porous, but they enclose many fractures and grooves that sometimes reach their surface that make them unbecoming for most conventional jewelry.
Most of the black diamonds you come across in jewelry hence are treated or enhanced black diamonds. These diamonds are subjected to severe temperatures or irradiation to make them look black. These diamonds can be cut and polished to perfection just as any other diamond.
Although there is certainly nothing wrong with purchasing treated diamonds in favor of their superior quality, you should know that is what you are buying.
The best way to determine if a black diamond is natural or treated is to hold a strong megalite or fiber optic light at the small edge of the diamond and look form the other side. If you observe dark green or even dark brown edges, it is a treated or enhanced diamond
An enhanced black diamond is still a diamond but will not pass the DiamondNite tester since the conductivity of a diamond alters after it is enhanced.
Be familiar with The 4 'C's
If you're in the market to buy a diamond whether it is a black diamond or any other color, you ought to acquaint yourself with the 4 'C's for checking a diamond's worth.
They are Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight. They are the 4 extremely critical areas for evaluating a diamond and determining how high or low it will cost.
Obtain The Facts
Every diamond you purchase should come with an Origin Report and be certified by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the International Gemological Institute (IGI), or American Gem Society (AGS) in the USA.
When buying Black Diamonds, check that the diamond says whether it is natural or enhanced. Locate the words 'treated', 'enhanced', or 'fancy black' for enhanced black diamonds.
Black diamonds make a fine present that won't cost you a few paychecks but are still just as happily received as the present of clear diamonds. Black diamonds possess mystery and allure attached to them due to their stunning beauty and extra terrestrial history.
For more fascinating facts about black diamonds visit along with a more detailed black diamond buying guide that is sure to give you all the dirt on Black Diamonds.
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