subject: Do You Think Your Child May Have Aspergers? [print this page] Do You Think Your Child May Have Aspergers?
Lots of people have Aspergers syndrome, which is a type of autism that is relatively mild, and many children begin showing symptoms at an early age. Some of the common symptoms of Aspergers can also be present with other disorders, so if you suspect your child has Aspergers syndrome, you should have him or her tested by a child psychologist or other professional. The following are some common Aspergers symptoms you should be aware of.
While kids afflicted with Aspergers syndrome probably have tight relationships with family members, they typically have very few if any friends close to their age. There is a plethora of reasons for this, however a high amount of it is linked to their incapacity to communicate in a way that other people this is regular. A child with Aspergers will seem very shy, aloof or strange to other kids. Communication can also be challenging, as children who are afflicted with Aspergers will at times say things that are improper or maybe shout for no clear reason. From this motive, these kids are habitually broken up and placed in special education classes or in some situations even home schooled, despite them being typically intellectual or even above average. The complexity with socializing is a key syndrome of Aspergers. A symptom of aspergers to keep in mind is sensory input sensitivities such as to light or sound. They may want to avoid bright lights or loud sounds, as well as certain smells or foods. You may find them refusing to eat certain textures or smells. Where many kids won't react to sounds shapes or odors in their environment a child with aspergers probably will. Especially because the behavior or reaction may be unpredictable it's important for parents and teachers to learn the triggers. In most cases this can be changed by certain treatments.
Aspergers may also cause kids to have difficult concentrating in school, even if their intelligence is high. These children may have one or more intense interests, and will find it easy to focus on these, but they may have a hard time concentrating on other subjects. Many kids will do better in a subject they like than one they don't, but the child with Aspergers may do very well in one subject and make no effort at all in another. Children with this condition may get A's in one subject and F's in others. Sometimes the child's teacher may notice that he or she doesn't follow instructions, even simple ones. This is one symptom of Aspergers, but of course there can be many other reasons children have difficulty with certain subjects in school. The more you are knowledgeable of Aspergers syndrome, the more you'll be able to collaborate with kids in your life who have this disorder. In this day and age, it's turning out to be easier to notice and minister to those children and they can more easily lead rather customary lifestyle. If you are guessing that your child is showing signs of Aspergers, the imperative thing is to find out how to communicate effectively with them, so don't dawdle in looking for the help you might need.
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