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End The Global Hunger Crisis

HungerWear is Hunger AwareHungerWear is Hunger Aware. HungerWear is all about wearing your hunger awareness to: 1) Spread Awareness about the magnitude of the global hunger crisis 2) Build Support to abolish hunger by the end of the decade 3) Provide Donations to hunger-relief in the U.S. and globally Here's how we do it: 1) Spread Awareness - Sell HungerWear gear with message have you eaten today?, hand-out HungerWear Awareness Cards, create viral video/on-line presence, share our blog 2) Build Support - Create huge on-line community engaged and talking about the issue 3) Provide Donations - Contribute all net proceeds from sales of gear to hunger-relief programs Hunger Crisis Most of us face each day with all kinds of choices about what we're going to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks. We're totally unaware that around the world, 25,000 people die every day, from not having enough to eat; many of whom are children who barely had a chance to live. Hunger is the largest human catastrophe ever!! But most of us living in wealthy developed countries aren't aware of this. Because hunger is an ongoing problem, it doesn't make headline news like tsunamis, earthquakes or other natural disasters- even though the number of human deaths each and every day is staggering!! Over 1 Billion people around the world suffer from chronic hunger-and it's expected to get worse! So you might be wondering, what can we possibly do about this? The BIG news is- hunger is solvable! (According to U.N. World Food Program, and Gates Foundation) But most people aren't aware of this either. However, it will take an ENORMOUS out-pouring of support to make it happen. But it's very doable. The funding required by the world's largest economies is only a fraction of their existing foreign aid budgets. But importantly, unless there's an out-pouring of support, to create the political will, it won't happen. And things will get worse. HungerWear is a start-up 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity. visit us at HungerWear is Hunger Aware. HungerWear is all about wearing your hunger awareness. We're dedicated to spreading awareness about the hunger crisis, building the support necessary to abolish hunger by the end of the decade, and providing contributions to hunger-relief in the U.S. and abroad.

by: Hope Powell

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