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subject: Ways to Achieve Natural Teeth Whitening [print this page]

Ways to Achieve Natural Teeth Whitening
Ways to Achieve Natural Teeth Whitening

Sparkling white teeth is a dream come true for everybody. People follow the advertisements of the dental care products thinking that their teeth will become as shining as those of the models in the advertisement. To their utter disappointment they find that only their pockets become empty and the teeth remain as it is.

However, there are some natural ways of achieving the sparkling white teeth. Natural teeth whitening methods are a combination of products and life style changes. The methods do have its disadvantages but will achieve the results with minimum damage to your teeth and the wallet.

Though there is nothing new about this, the first step to get a good set of teeth is to brush and floss twice a day regularly. Having regular sittings with your dentist also helps to have a good healthy set of teeth which can be then subjected to natural teeth whitening exercises.

Next step in the natural teeth whitening process is to add a lot of fresh crunchy vegetables like carrots, cucumber, broccoli etc to your daily diet. They rinse the teeth while being consumed and act as good stain removers. Avoid junk food and you get better teeth with fewer cavities.

Rinse your mouth with water after each food intake even if it is only a cup of coffee or tea. Leaving food particles on your teeth allows the bacteria to work overtime on your teeth which lead to stains and cavities.

Smokers tend to have their teeth filled with stains and obviously quitting the habit is a good way of protecting your teeth.

Baking soda is an ingredient which makes your teeth brighter with no significant side effects. Others like lemon, strawberry and orange peels also work very well for removing the stains on the teeth. However, they tend to work on the teeth enamel and one should be careful to rinse the mouth thoroughly with water after using these materials on their teeth.

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