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Executive Coaching: The Online Interview

Executive Coaching: The Online Interview
Executive Coaching: The Online Interview

Get Visual - Are You Ready for Your Close Up?

Executive Coaching. Technology helps us get face to face when geography presents a challenge for in-person conversations. On a global job market, online interviews are becoming more and more common.

We've come across some interesting situations using Skype and thought it would be helpful to suggest some do's and don'ts when conducting interviews this way.

Phone interviews used to be somewhat safe because the candidate didn't have to worry about what he or she looked like during the call. Not anymore. In one instance a marketing executive candidate being interviewed via Skype had on a cotton Rugby shirt. Needless to say, he didn't make it to the next round. In another interview, the candidate's daughter wandered into the room and while on camera, the candidate picked her up and placed her on his lap, continuing the conversation. You need to be diligent with all the details when you participate in Skype interviews.

Video Interviewing with Skype by Alison Doyle offers several suggestions to prepare for Skype interviews. From background to lighting and make up, remember that you are judged on presentation and appearance. Think about the environment too. Will the dog bark during the interview?

Practice with a friend before you interview. Internet Video has a wonderful five-minute report on interviewing via Skype.

Keep the background simple.

Dress as if you are meeting in person.

Men, wear a suit and tie, not just the top part.

Women, style your hair and apply make-up.

Look in the camera, not the monitor.

Smile. has a great article about Skype interviews. It includes advice from a former news anchor about how we perceive people via camera versus in person. It includes lighting, framing, and using color to your advantage.

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