subject: How To Survive A Beach Holiday [print this page] Not everybody is suited to a beach holiday and I would probably count myself amongst those that struggle to occupy themselves lying about all day. I love the sun and warmth and appreciate a nice break to relax and rid myself of my natural pasty complexion but if I'm static for too long I tend to get a bit fidgety. So my recent "Beach Holiday" to Paphos in Cyprus caused me to think hard about my Beach strategy.
The first consideration when planning a Beach holiday is obviously the location. We needed guaranteed sun and good temperature. Personally, I'm quite happy with it being hot but might melt if it's much more than 30 celsius. Sandy beaches are preferable and not too overcrowded but with just a scattering of people to give you something to look at: never underestimate the entertainment value of a fat guy in speedos or girls playing volleyball (contrasting examples I know but equally memorable).
Nearby distractions are very important. Being able to leave the other half happily baking while you potter off on an ice-cream quest is a blessing. If there's a town or just some refreshment stands within walking distance, it can provide a welcome break from being horizontal.
Reading Material
Choose your book(s) carefully and make sure you take a back up in case your first choice turns out to be dull. The traditional light material is generally considered the way to go, with Romance novels high up the list. Though my personal choice was an Andy McNab; fast paced, full of action and packed full of cool military terminology I can use to spice up a daily mundane communication.
A magasine also adds a good variety to your reading schedule, allowing a more casual reading style with small snippets of text and pretty pictures for the eye. I chose a film magasine to keep up to date with all the new releases I will refuse to pay for at the cinema.
Radio Plays
Time flies by when you listen to a good radio play. Upload some to your mp3 player before you go so, once on a beach, you can simply lie back and enjoy a good yarn with minimal effort. If, like me, you have elbows that complain when asked to support your weight throughout a chapter, this is the perfect solution. Warning: if you're one of these people who gets niggled by recognising a voice but not being able to place it, you might just be antagonising yourself with a radio play, so choose carefully.
Take your swimming gear and make the most of the clear waters. Interjecting your lazing about with some fish dodging is a brilliant way to break up the day. Cooling yourself off can also be important. Do not wear speedos unless you look like Michael Phelps; if you 'sport' a beer belly and opt for speedos, please be aware you will become the subject of much sideways glancing and chuckles.
Sun Lotion
Nothing to do with passing the time on a Beach holiday but it does play a crucial part in the enjoyment of your vacation. If you go with the testosterone-fuelled attitude that you are immune to the effects of the sun, you run the very likely risk that you will fry yourself and spend a good portion of your holiday glowing uncomfortably. So I recommend a sensible application that, while not completely impenetrable, will protect you. You want a nice tan while not suffering the 'John Wayne Lobster'.
These tips should provide you with enough tools to enjoy a beach holiday even if you're not good at lying about doing nothing. It's all about mixing these things up, breaking up the day and creating some variety for yourself.
by: Patrick Omari
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