subject: Responsible Safe Boating In Canada: Radar Reflectors, Charts, And Speed Restrictions [print this page] Collision Regulations Pertaining to Radar Reflectors
A pleasure craft that is less than 20 metres in length or which is constructed primarily of non-metallic materials shall equip the craft with a passive radar reflector as described in the Collision Regulations, rule 40:
mounted or suspended at a height of not less than 4 metres above the water, if practicable;
unless in limited traffic conditions, daylight, and favorable environmental conditions and where compliance is not essential for the safety of the craft; or
unless the small size of the craft or his/her operation away from radar navigation makes compliance impracticable.
The Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations Pertaining to The Carriage of Charts, Publications and Documents
The operator of a pleasure craft not propelled by oars shall have on board, in respect of each area in which the craft is to be navigated, as described in the Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations, the most recent editions of:
the largest scale charts;
the required publications; and
the required documents
Regulation Pertaining to Speed Restrictions
The Boating Restriction Regulations, jointly administered with the provinces, regulate the operation of small boats on specific bodies of water in Canada. Aside from the new restriction for horse power placed on certain age groups, these regulations contain schedules that set out restrictions such as speed limits and maximum horsepower or when and where certain activities such as water-skiing, are permitted.
Shore-line speed restrictions have been adopted by some provinces. A province wide restriction to limit speed to 10 km/hr within 30 metres from shore on all waters within their boundaries, except for:
Water-skiing, where the vessel follows a trajectory perpendicular to the shore; or
In rivers of less than 100m in width, or canals or buoyed channels; or
In waters where another speed is prescribed under these or other regulations.
Once a boating restriction is in place, compliance is enforced by peace officers at all levels of government or officers specially appointed by the Minister of Transport, or Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, sanctions are in the form of tickets or summons.
The Collision Regulations, rule 6, specify that it is an operator's responsibility to adopt a safe speed, described as one that allows proper and effective action to be taken to avoid collision. In determining a safe speed, take the following factors into account,
the state of visibility; (examples: fog, mist, rain, darkness)
the traffic density including concentrations of fishing vessels or any other vessels in the area and their proximity;
the state of wind, water conditions and currents;
the maneuverability of your vessel; and
the proximity of navigational hazards.
The operator of a pleasure craft shall at all times proceed with caution at a speed, as referred to in the Collision Regulations, rule 6, such that "wake and wash" will not adversely affect;
other vessels, such as anchored vessels, grounded vessels, wreck, dredge, tow, rowboat or canoes;
work being passed such as shoreline, docks, floats, or wetlands;
other waterways' users such as swimmers; or
area of bathing beaches, area where divers are working, or area of anchorage.
The operator of a pleasure craft not in sight of other vessels in or near an area of restricted visibility shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the prevailing circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility, such as entering or exiting a fog bank, as described in the Collision Regulations, rule 19.
The Criminal Code of Canada Pertaining to The Operation of Pleasure Craft
The operator of a pleasure craft cannot operate a craft in a manner that is dangerous to the public as described in the Criminal Code of Canada, section 249(1).
The operator of a pleasure craft must keep watch on person towed as described in the Criminal Code of Canada, section 250(1).
The operator of a pleasure craft cannot tow a person after dark as described in the Criminal Code of Canada, section 250(2).
The operator of a pleasure craft cannot knowingly operate a pleasure craft that is unseaworthy as described in the Criminal Code of Canada, section 251(1).
The operator of a pleasure craft cannot operate a pleasure craft while impaired as described in the Criminal Code of Canada, section 253.
The consumption of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances could impair a person's ability to operate a pleasure craft.
The operator of a pleasure craft cannot send false messages as described in the Criminal Code of Canada, section 372.
The operator of a pleasure craft cannot interfere with a marine signal as described in the Criminal Code of Canada, section 439 by:making fast the craft to a signal, buoy or other sea-mark that is used for purposes of navigation; orwillfully altering, removing or concealing a signal, a buoy or other seamark that is used for purposes of Nick Simmons
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