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Life in the UK Test Centre in London

Life in the UK Test Centre in London
Life in the UK Test Centre in London

Special Christmas Offer 250 until 31/12/2010. All inclusive training, test and certificate. We will teach you until you pass. So hurry up! What are you waiting for? Complimentary tea and coffee is also provided during your training.

We teach you an ESOL course with citizenship context. The course runs between 2 to 10 weeks depending on your level of English and your individual learning needs. The training and test is only in speaking and listening. We will also teach you citizenship from the Home Office citizenship pack. Our suitably qualified teachers will assess your level in the beginning and then make a learning plan for you. We will teach you until you progress to next level as per Home Office requirement.

With this ESOL certificate, we will also give you a confirmation letter for the Home Office confirming that, you have attended the ESOL Entry Level course with Citizenship Context and progressed to next level. You can use the same certificate for both, your Indefinite Leave to Remain application and after that for your British Citizenship application. Our ESOL certificate and letter will be from the approved examining body and accredited college.

With our ESOL Citizenship course, you do not have to do Life in the UK Test.

For UK Citizenship Test training, our one fee of 295 includes all the training, test, certificate and Home Office confirmation letter. If you do not pass the test first time, we will retrain you for free and we also pay for your examining fee. We gurantee to train you until you pass.

Our ESOL citizenship classes in London start every week. Classes are available on week days and weekends. We are open 7 days. We have flexible learning plans as per your individual needs.You can do our course on part time basis by studying one day a week or two days a week.

If you, your partner, your family member or any one of your friend needs help or more information on this course, please contact us on 0208 279 0719. We will try to put you to the right direction. Our staff speaks English, Urdu, Twee, Somali, Polish, Punjabi and Hindi. We speak very simple and plain English and we are here to help.

Dont forget to mention our Special Christmas Offer 250 until 31/12/2010. All inclusive training, test and certificate. We will teach you until you pass

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