subject: Finding Out The Amount Of Traffic Competitors Are Getting [print this page] When you're looking to get a great marketing campaign for your site, make sure you understand that not all the effort and time is going to be put into your site. An important internet marketing tool that several people fail to know about but can't afford to not know about it is seeing who your competitors are. Knowing who your competitors are as well as what they are doing is essential to succeeding. You are going to have to develop newer and better marketing ideas to help you go higher than them. This starts with seeing how much traffic they are getting to their sites.
There is a wide range of products and resources that are available to help you out in this area and can help you learn just how much traffic they are getting. You can simply use one of the tools or you can use more than one, whatever works best for you. Using more than one allows you to get a more in depth look at what your competitors are getting to their site.
Alexa happens to be one of these tools that many people are using. It's a site that not necessarily will tell you the amount of visitors their site is getting, but it also is going to tell you how their page rankings are as far visitors all over the web. You can compare your site with theirs and see how you're doing in terms of traffic to your competitor's site. This can allow you to see just how they are doing as well on the traffic front. There are several people who are beginning to use this tool to better help with researching their competitors.
Another effective internet marketing tool is known as StatBrain. It's a type of service that will actually offer you a number pertaining to actual visitors on a daily basis to a certain site. If you're looking for something more detailed rather than general numbers, this may be something you may be looking for.
For those of you looking to get something more accurate and to see what a site is getting traffic wise, Google's Ad Planner is an effective tool to use. By using the begin research tab to get a better look at URLs you're researching, you can get a better breakdown of that site's traffic.
These tools can help you get a better understanding what your competitors are getting to their site number wise, and can prevent you from falling behind them.
by: Scott P Gallagher
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