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Driving Phobia Treatment
Driving Phobia Treatment

Driving phobia can occur when an individual undergo a traumatic event such as road accidents, near misses or even something mild (like feeling uncomfortable with high-speed freeways). Because humans have the tendency to associate familiar feelings to a particular situation, these traumatic events can slowly build into driving phobia. Let untreated, you may stop driving altogether and be totally dependent on family members and friends to fetch you around.

Despite the awful effects of this phenomenon, many people neglect to do anything about it, resigning themselves to commuting by public transportation, avoiding activities which require driving, staying indoors more often than they would've like to, and more.

That is a real shame, becausefear of driving phobia can be treated and indeed, it can be cured completely.Thetreatments for driving phobia/anxiety must come in the form of behavioral and mental conditioning.

When you are fighting afear of driving, you might find that you have the best results when you use these three techniques together mindfulness combined with progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing to help yourself to completelyrelax and manage your fear.

Put your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach. Deep breath. Hold it for 3 seconds and exhale through your nose. You should feel your upper body relax as you do this but pay attention to your hands. The left hand on your stomach should be doing all the moving and the right hand on your chest shouldn't be moving much. If this is so then you will feel relaxed and if not you will be tense.

Thought Popping: Relax on your couch and close your eyes. Think of something very relaxing and peaceful. Recall some particular vacation that you enjoyed with your family. Feel the warmth and keep enjoying those feelings. Feel the bliss all over again in its entire splendor.

You canremedy your phobia by involving yourself in programs likestress management or undergoing self-hypnosis which you can learn through a professional. Having a positive attitude and viewpoint that you are in charge of your car will also help you overcome yourdriving phobia and it can make you a better driver as well. Besides, this attitude is part of the responsibilities that you have agreed to when you have obtained your driving license, right?

Therapy. Seeing a therapist can have excellent results, but it's usually a slow and expensive process. However, for some people talking with someone on their problems and fears is the thing they relate to most. If you can spare the cash and the time, this is an option worth considering.

I hope I've opened you eyes totreatments of driving phobia. I wish you luck and may you conquer your fear of driving soon.

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