subject: Jesus is Our Life – A Fun Bible Object Lesson for Your Kids [print this page] Jesus is Our Life A Fun Bible Object Lesson for Your Kids
It is a grave thing to think that if Jesus is not living in someone's life they are as good as dead. The life that Jesus gives is completely fulfilling and eternal. May we learn not to take it for granted. Colossians 3:4 says "Jesusis our life." Here is a fun Bible object lesson for your kids to learn about this important verse.
Here's what you do:
The object you will use for this lesson is an empty box of Life Cereal. Inside the box, put 6 index cards. Write the 6 aspects about life found in Point 2, one on each card.
Ask the following questions to help stimulate discussion:
1. What am I holding? (Wait for responses.) That's right. It's a box of Life Cereal.
2. Eating this box of Life Cereal may take away my hunger, but it won't really give me life. At least, not the kind of life Jesus can give. (Wait for resposes.)
3. Colossians 3:4 says this: When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
4. Say the following: I want us to focus on the part of the verse which says Christ or Jesus is our life. Let's learn a little more about this portion of Scripture and how it teaches us to live our lives for God. Here are 3 important points about this truth.
Point 1: "Jesusis our life." Colossians 3:4 Today's scripture may only have 4 words in it, but it is full of meaning. Let's look at some of the things we can learn about Jesus being our life. Inside my box of cereal are 6 aspects of the kind of life Jesus gives us. I'll let someone reach in and take out one card at a time and then we will read it.
Point 2:
1st Our life comes from Jesus. When you ask Jesus to be the Savior from your sins, you get new life, because your sins are washed away. What are some sins that people can be forgiven of?
2nd Jesus keeps our lives going by giving us everything we need. What are some things we need?
3rd We have life because Jesus lives in us. Don't forget that Jesus is always with you!
4th Jesus brings comfort to our life. He gives us joy and takes care of us when things are difficult. Can anyone tell me a time that Jesus comforted you?
5th We live our lives for Jesus. He is our King and Master and we must obey Him. What are some ways we can obey God?
6th Jesus will show us how to live our lives. We need to read the Bible and learn to believe Him.
Point 3: Wow! Do you see now how this one little verse packs a punch. Jesus is our life and one day we will live with Him forever. That's life at its best.
This 3-Point Bible Object Lesson for Kids was inspired by my reading of C.H. Spurgeon's devotional on Colossians 3:4 from his book Morning and Evening. You too can be inspired by your favorite Christian authors and come up with your own 3-Point Sermon for Kids.
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