subject: Green Christmas Gift Wrapping 101 [print this page] Gifts look extra special when wrapped in a very nice and presentable way. Creative gift wrapping really enhances any present and it even makes inexpensive gifts look extraordinary. I know wrapping gifts means using lots of paper which really irks those people who are into the "green lifestyle". A lot of trees all over the world gets chopped every year just to supply people with their wrapping papers. These wrapping papers and boxes, which goes to the trash once it has served its purpose, would also just contribute to our accumulating garbage problem. But did you know that you can do a lot of ways to conserve our resources, most especially our trees when wrapping your Christmas gifts? Let me share to you some of them.
1. Consider giving gift certificates than material gifts. Not only it is convenient, it's also environment friendly because you don't have to wrap them in fancy wrappers and ribbons.
2. Reuse your old holiday cards. If you have leftover tags that you weren't able to use last year then you could use them this year. This won't only make our trees happy, you could also save money from not buying new holiday cards as well.
3. Use recycled paper in wrapping gifts. If you really need to wrap your gift with a wrapping paper, wrap it using a recycled wrapping paper. There are a lot of recycled wrappers available in craft stores and bookstores.
4. Consider making your own wrapping paper. If you have old telephone directories, newspapers, and other kind of papers lying around the house, you can use them to make paper. The best thing about making your own wrapping paper is that you don't have to spend a cent!
5. Consider using cloths and fabrics as gift wrappers. Using fabrics as wrappers are such a big hit in Asian countries especially in Japan. It's even considered as an art in Japan and it's called furoshiki.
by: Crystal Cally
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