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subject: Fund.Com Inc.'s (OTCBB: FNDM) Subsidiary Announces Partnership to Develop a Global Tactical Asset Allocation [print this page]

Fund.Com Inc.'s (OTCBB: FNDM) Subsidiary Announces Partnership to Develop a Global Tactical Asset Allocation

New York City-based (OTCBB: FNDM) is a diversified financial services company that has assets of $1 billion under management. It focuses on the origination, seeding, and formation of both actively managed ETFs and hedge funds through its wholly owned subsidiary Weston Capital Management, based in West Palm Beach, FL, and its majority-owned subsidiary, Advisor Shares in Bethesda, MD. Advisor Shares is one of the few companies that has an exemption from the Securities and Exchange Commission to create actively managed ETFs. It is a leader in actively managed ETFs and is dedicated to investor education. Today, it announced a partnership with Cambria Investment Management, Inc., a Los Angeles based investment manager, to create a GTAA strategy in an actively managed ETF. The proposed ETF would join AdvisorShares' growing stable of innovative actively managed ETFs which includes the Dent Tactical ETF (NYSE: DENT).

Cambria boasts an excellent track record using its proprietary quantitative approach to investing. It has focused on developing research and education related to a GTAA strategy via its popular white paper, A Quantitative Approach to Tactical Asset Allocation, and the recent book, The Ivy Portfolio'. Mebane Faber, Chief Investment Officer of Cambria Investment Management said, "Buying and holding a diversified portfolio did little to protect countless investors from the global market meltdown in 2008 and 2009. In these volatile markets investors need to be more proactive in managing their risk."

Eric Richardson, Chairman and CEO of Cambria Investment Management, said, "At Cambria, our mission for our separately managed accounts and private funds has been to grow capital by seeking to produce long term absolute returns with reduced volatility and manageable risk and drawdowns."

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