subject: Have You a Personal Peace ? [print this page] Have You a Personal Peace ? Have You a Personal Peace ?
How can you live without stress when your present circumstances are far from pleasant? When your personal situations are demanding more than you can possibly handle on your own, how can you live your life without worry and fear? How can anyone have genuine peace of mind with troubles all around?
The dictionary defines peace as freedom from annoyance, distraction, and anxiety. To have peace is to have tranquility or serenity. Obviously in speaking of nations, it would be the absence of war and hostilities. For us personally, it is inner contentment and security; being free from worry and stress.
Worry, stress, insecurity and anxiety are caused by our reaction to the things around us. Our circumstances and situations are indeed very real. We cannot pretend that they don't exist. But, we do not have live with anxiety; we can have peace.
God never intended for us to carry our burdens all by ourselves. He has made it very clear all throughout the pages of the Bible that He desires to help us. There are also many examples in the Scriptures that demonstrate His help to others.
So what can we do to eliminate the stress and lack of peace in our lives? Most would say that the answer would be to eliminate the problems. After all, that's what causing the stress, isn't it?
But what if the solution to your problem cannot be remedied in one day? Does that mean that you have to just endure stress and anxiety and lack of peace until the situation is fully resolved? Or can you, in the middle of very trying and difficult circumstances, really have peace and tranquility?
Here is a very solid key in having peace of mind. In fact, God Himself promises us peace when we carry out this very simple act. It is all about what we do with our own minds, by the freedom of our own will.
The Bible says to not be anxious, but instead, let your requests be made known unto God. Rather than having your mind full of worry, stress and anxiety, we are instructed to request help from God. The benefit of doing this is outstanding.
After doing that, the Bible boldly declares that the peace of God will keep, or guard your heart. It is a very simple method and a very clear key on getting God's peace. Simply give God your requests; reach up and ask for His help.
After performing that simple act, God's promise to you is His peace. And the reason we can have His peace is because we know whom we have just made a request to. Recognizing that we just laid our petition before the Creator of the heavens and the earth, we can have confidence that He will find a way to bring a solution for us.
The Bible also talks about casting all your care on Him because He cares for you. He doesn't want us to carry all that burden of worrying and trying to figure everything out. Instead we bring it to Him; we cast all our cares on the One who cares for us.
No one's life is without problems. At times they are small obstacles, and at other times they seem to be insurmountable walls with no possible solution. But whether we face small situations or overwhelming situations, they are all still the same to God. Could there ever possibly be a situation that would be too big or too hard for the Creator of the heavens and earth to solve?
You may be facing some very trying times. There may situations that seem hopeless with no solutions possible. You may have even prayed and made your request to God more than once.
But while you wait for His answer, continue to let Him know your requests. Continue to cast your cares on Him. And as you do, recognizing in whose hands you have placed the petitions, you can have peace knowing that God will bring a solution.
When our minds are distracted, full of anxiety, frustrated, worried and scared, we just cannot hear God's still small voice. It's kind of like trying to talk to someone in the middle of a concert.
But when you allow His peace to fill your mind, you can think with much more clarity. You can hear His quiet guidance and direction, all the while being absolutely assured of His help in the situation.
So whenever you are full of anxiety and stress and you are feeling a lack of peace, cast your cares upon Him. Let Him know your requests. Be confident knowing that God will indeed help you.
Then the peace of God will guard your heart and mind. Then, even in trying and difficult times you can go about your business with His peace. And until your situation is resolved you can live with peace of mind.
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