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Soccer and Injuries

Soccer and Injuries
Soccer and Injuries

I would like to share some of the trends I am starting to see in soccer

injuries. More and more great soccer players are being plagued with overuse

Soccer and Injuries

injuries, also called repetitive motion injuries. My advice on this is

always straightforward: Parents get your kids involved in other sports and

activities. This may sound like an odd thing coming from a coach, especially

one that has developed a program to help parents and their kids navigate the

soccer recruiting process and help earn soccer scholarships. But, I can only

be so much help if your son or daughter is sidelined due to injuries their

sophomore and junior years of high school.

I have had many parents tell me their son or daughter only plays one sport

because they don't want to risk injury. However, what I often have to

explain is that repetitive motion injuries that I am seeing more and more in

great soccer players happen because they only participate in one sport. What

starts to happen is your body starts to get use to only using those one set

of muscles and movements and other muscles start to weaken. This leads to

ACL tears, major knee issues and more that you are starting to see in more

young soccer players.

As a young player, I always use to play basketball. I was not a good

basketball player but I played basketball. After seeing the type of

injuries coming from players playing in multiple sports vs just soccer, I

truly believe now that playing basketball made me a healthier player and for

the most part an injury free player. Yes, your son or daughter will sprain

their ankle here or there, any athlete will, but these other major injuries

players face I did not face those, and your son or daughter doesn't have

to face them either.

Parents you really need to take a role in encouraging your kids to do

different things, do different activities. At the minimum make sure they are

working those other muscle groups especially if they are only going to focus

on one sport.

As they get older I understand how they would want to only focus on one

sport. I just want to help you understand that there are things that you can

do to help them prevent these overuse injuries. These injuries can really

limit your child's chances at playing soccer at the college level.

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