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Start A Home Based Business - Why Most Fail

Most people start a home based business after reading all the incredible testimonials about guys making thousands each month from home. Don't get me wrong, these guys do exist. Work from home opportunities are real, and lucrative.

The problem that most people have is that they are desperate for their business opportunity to work. They then find after two months, when nothing's happened, that it's actually not as easy as they first thought. So they quit. Probably after spending a pretty high amount of money on investing.

My tips on how to start a home based business are below.

1) Find a company that you know has made people successful. They should have been around for more than five years and should have a unique, in-demand product.

2) Don't be desperate for that first sale. Make sure you have a steady income to invest in your home business. Don't quit your day job, it could take anything from 6 months to 2 years before you start rolling.

3) Commit time. Spend a couple of hours a day on your business.

4) Set goals. I mean real, long term goals. These are what keep you going when you hit the wall. And you will hit the wall because everyone does. Make sure any goals you do set are in your control. Don't say "I want to be a millionaire in 5 years" you don't have direct control over that.

If you start a home based business, be prepared to struggle for at least the first 6 months. You might do well and start achieving quicker than that. But if you're prepared then it won't hit you so hard. The guys that succeed in home based business are the ones who are in it for the long term.

Try not to be put off by what I've said above. Starting a business from home is a lot of fun and can be incredibly lucrative, especially if you use the internet. What people are starting to realise is that there are so many people connected to the web and how easy it is to access all of those people (I think there's around 2 billion of them). So for any product you try and sell, you have billions of potential customers. You just need to learn how to drive these people to your product and market to them effectively. And the beauty of it is the same as everything else I talk about, it's not hard, it just takes a little while.

Copyright (c) 2010 Joe Albert Stewart

by: Joe Albert Stewart

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