subject: A Trip to Bhangarh -Haunted Place near Jaipur !! [print this page] Well it all started with the name heard or read about some time back, don't know how or who informed me that i and my friend started to search " Bhangarh " - a most haunted place in india. Where its mentioned that no body is allowed to enter the place before sun rise or after sun set. Well such words or places itself has some intoxication or mystic magnetic quality that you get attracted towards it and same happened with us. We were so eager to find all the details and information about the place that we started the search over the net, be it blogs, travelogs, or some news cutting of some paper, in fact we tried to find out all the haunted places in india. Finally the day came and we set off to Bhangarh in search or our quest of finding the truth. All travel checklist were set, Map, route all taken, but don't know how or why it took US 7 Hrs to reach.... when we were close to the place our car just stoped, as if like in horror bollywood movies, like an indication do not go further. This is not a joke that i am cracking it indeed did happen. The reason was one battry wire sliped out from its slot. Any ways we after lot of fight with the other members who deny to go further i was adment to see the place so since i had the steer in my had so i was the king and they had to follow. At last we reached there the place Bhangarh -About 80km from jaipur on Jaipur Agra Highway lies the ruins of Bhangarh.The town was established in 1631 by Madho Singh ji's younger brother of Raja Man Singh Ji Ist who was a general of Emperor Akbar. Some people say that the towns blue prints were used to design Jaipur. Then it was story time for those who didn't knew a thing about the place.... " In the Kingdom of Bhangarh a tantrik fell in love with the princess and cast a spell on a bowl of oil she was to use so as he can make her if she uses it.The princess maid saw the same and informed her not to use, princess sensed the spell and cast one of her own which mortally wounds the tantrik who curses the city before dying that the city will never be in peace and nobody who lives in this city will survives. And the curse comes true when the city fights with Ajabgarh a near by kingdom. Nobody survives the city turns into ruins overnight. Even today nobody stays in or near the ruins after sunset. Even Archaeologiacl Survey of Indias office is situated 1 km away.If the locals build a house in the ruined city the roof of the house collapses.Only some temples and a water tank were spared.The ruins have been claimed by the monkeys and the bunyan trees." Well just after the sun set we set off to Jaipur since we well all tired and from there it would take us 2 Hrs to reach jaipur. Well had loads of pic but not able to post the same not will do it later, but believe me there is not such thing a ghost but the place is beautiful and locals - young boys n girls came from jaipur as i think its now turning a lovers point just because hardly people visit here. But in the end i met with a local worker who dig there for ASI ( i believe ) told us that by midnight you can here anklets sound and left us with an interesting topic for our night chit chat before sleep.
A Trip to Bhangarh -Haunted Place near Jaipur !!
By: tarunsuri1
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