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subject: Meeting Rooms For Some Of The Top Us Companies [print this page]

Meeting Rooms For Some Of The Top Us Companies

If you work for one of the top US Companies, you might have to travel to New Jersey for business. Some of the major corporations have divisions or headquarters near Neptune NJ. While staying in the area, you might be looking for meeting rooms in Neptune. A Neptune meeting place for you and some of your colleagues to have a small gathering away from the company building. An ideal meeting in Neptune would take place in your hotel rather then driving all over the city.

The Residence Inn Neptune at Gateway Centre has 440 square feet of meeting space Its Jumping Brook Room has a maximum seating capacity of 35. The Residence Inn Neptune is located off of the Garden State Parkway. It is a perfect hotel for employees and guests of Lockheed Martin, AIG, or Excelsior Medical.

Here is some background information on these corporations who have offices near Neptune NJ:

Lockheed Martin is one of the top three Aerospace and Defense companies in the United States. Lockheed Martin is also #54 on the Fortune 500s list of top 100 list of largest corporations. Their NE&SS-Surface Systems division is headquartered in New Jersey.

American International Group, Inc., also known as AIG, is one of the world's largest insurance firms. It is one of the leading US providers of property/casualty and specialty insurance to commercial, institutional, and individual customers. Internationally, the company provides, life insurance and other financial services in more than 130 countries.

Excelsior Medical Corporation is a privately held medical device company that offers a number of products that fulfill the needs of the healthcare practitioner. It is the leading manufacturer of pre-filled catheter flush syringes and syringe pump systems.

by: Jed Crowl

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