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Business Travel To Monmouth Shores Nj

They are several large companies such as Horizon Blue Cross and Meridian Healthcare that are located in the Monmouth Shores Corporate Park. These companies may be working on Monmouth county NJ event planning for future business meetings. During the planning stages, they will be searching for meeting rooms in Wall NJ for their employers and/or visitors.

There are a few hotels that offer Wall NJ meeting rooms. The Courtyard by Marriott Wall @ Monmouth Shores Corporate Park will assist businesses in Monmouth county event planning. Their advanced facilities and expert meeting professionals will make sure that your event planning in Monmouth county NJ will be easy and painless. The Courtyard by Marriott wall has 2 meeting rooms with 985 sq ft of total meeting space. It is a great location for a small meeting of up to 60 people.

When searching for meeting rooms in wall dont forget that hotel meeting rooms provide convenience and save time. Participants can walk to the meeting rooms. There is no need to rely on public or personal transportation to get one back and forth.

If you have some downtime during your business travel, you should visit the New Jersey Shore's Spring Lake. It has been a seaside resort area since the early 20th century, attracting visitors with its quaint boutiques, sandy beaches and small town hospitality. There is an abundance of recreational opportunities including golfing at the Spring Lake Golf Club, hiking and biking, boating and waterskiing. Visitors also love the Third Avenue Historic Business District. It features specialty shops and boutiques, as well as restaurants serving everything from continental cuisine to home cooked meals.

by: Jed Crowl

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