Online Home Business, Become A Problem Solver!
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Online Home Business, Become A Problem Solver!
If you are looking for real success in your online home business, then
you need to become a problem solver. Being able to solve your
customers problems is one of the best characteristics that you can
have as a home business owner.
To become a good problem solver, you have to learn to ask a lot of
questions. Find out what people are searching for on the internet.
Find out what their needs and wants are. Put out questions on Social
Media Sites, on what people need answers to.
Once you find out what people want, you can narrow that search to,
which people need your product. Then you can target those people and
get them to become your customer by offering to solve their problem
with your solution, your product.
Continue To Solve Problems!
Now that you have a list of customers, you have to continually solve
their problems. If you are selling a certain lotion that helps keep
them young, they buy it, like it, but now they may have a dry skin
problem. You have to find a solution for their dry skin problem in
order to keep them as a customer.
Maybe you are not selling any lotion, potions, or pills. Maybe you
have a business opportunity you are selling. There are thousands of
people out of work right now and they are looking for a solution. You
offer them a business opportunity, an online home business.
Now you have opened up a whole line of customer problems to solve. How
do they start advertising? Where to they advertise? What type of
website should they use? How much money should they spend in
advertising? Should they use paid advertising or free advertising, or
both? Do they have to cold call people? The questions are endless and
you as a leader are there ready to be their problem solver.
Think Like Your Customers!
The first thing you have to do to be a problem solver is, think like
your customers. Talk to them like they are your new friend. Relate to
their problems, I know I had a lot of questions when I started my
online home business.
Take them by the hand and walk them through the steps, one step at a
time. Most importantly, do not overwhelm them, with too much
information all at once. Feel their pain of being a newbie
Let them know you will be there for them with any questions they have.
And if you do not know the answer, be honest, tell them so, and that
you will be glad to find out and get back to them.
A3 Method
Toyota Motor Corporation is using what they call the A3 method of
problem solving. This process helps people engage in the root cause
of a problem that happens in everyday work routines.
They start with, Identify the problem, Understand the problem, Conduct
an analysis of the problem, Create a plan, Implement the plan, and
then Evaluate the results.
This is a great formula to use with your online home business. First
you find out what your customers problems are. Then most importantly
you have to understand their problem. By understanding their problem
it will give you an idea for their solution. Then tell them why your
solution is the best one for their needs. Create a plan for them and
help them implement that plan, then celebrate their results with them.
When you become a problem solver in your online home business, you
become a successful leader in the online business world.
by: Julianne Rowat
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