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subject: Suitcase Buying Guide For Frequent Travelers [print this page]

Suitcase Buying Guide For Frequent Travelers

Buying the right type of suitcase has a lot to do with knowing what type of conditions your suitcase will encounter while on its journey as well as understanding just how important a suitcase is for protecting the integrity of your clothing. The right suitcase can mean the difference between arriving at your destination with ready-to-wear articles of clothing or arriving with nothing more than a wrinkled mess of clothing that must be pressed at the hotel before you can show your face in public.

You Get What You Pay For

As with all things in life, when you purchase luggage you get what you pay for. If you are unwilling to spend some extra money to purchase the right type of suitcase to keep your clothing protected then you should be fully prepared to accept the consequences. People tend to experience sticker shock when they see pieces of luggage that retail for hundreds of dollars apiece. It is important to understand that luggage is meant to last for many years, and if maintained properly can last for a lifetime. So even if you dont travel frequently you should still be confident that you are getting your money's worth since quality luggage will last you far into the future.

Hard vs. Soft

There are essentially two camps when it comes to buying a suitcase; those that love the hard suitcase and those that love the soft suitcase. Typically, if you are not looking for a designer brand; soft suitcases are less expensive than the hard suitcases. While it is true that price matters, you should not feel that just because a soft suitcase is less expensive than a hard suitcase it is somehow inferior.

What to look for in Both Hard and Soft Suitcases

The most important factor you need to look for in both hard and soft suitcases is durability. With hard suitcases you want to examine the shell and make sure that it appears sturdy and does not sound hollow when tapped. Remember, just because a suitcase has a hard shell does not mean that it is durable. If you feel like the shell may crack under a moderate amount of pressure then you can probably assume that it will.

With soft suitcases you want to examine the stiff material that gives the suitcase its shape and determine whether or not this will protect your clothing adequately. Remember, the stiffer the material the more durable it will be. The best soft suitcases have a rather thick plastic lining that adds extra rigidity.

by: Hendrik Pohl

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