subject: Teeth Whitening Side Effects [print this page] Teeth Whitening Side Effects Teeth Whitening Side Effects
Among the different methods of teeth whitening are the chemical and mechanical methods of teeth whitening. The mechanical methods help get rid of such stains that are found on the surface of the teeth. The chemical methods apply different Teeth Whitening bleaches to enable you achieve white teeth whenever you want them.Also, the products that are used in teeth whitening are very diverse hence making it important that you make your choice appropriately. They come in pastes and strips and each work in a totally different way. After making use of these products for a while, you may have your gums affected hence making it important that you make a wise choice. They may damage your gums and cause unending irritation which may create a lot of discomfort in you at all times. Your teeth could also get some cracks and start decaying hence making it a painful experience for you.
One of the most common demerits of teeth whitening products is the fact that your gum and teeth may become damaged. After using for a while, the products will definitely damage your body. You will have your teeth hurt when in cold weather or even ache when it touches something cold.
At times, your enamel may wear off as a result of coming into contact with the teeth whitening chemical. This may cause a permanent stain in itself that's pretty hard to remove. You will labor hard in wanting to remove it but you will find it hard. This makes it dangerous especially when you use a single product for a long period of time. You will appreciate the fact that. If you continuously repeat using the chemical, you will definitely damage your gums in many different ways. It will generally be a terrible experience.
There are some recent studies that indicated that peroxide, which are the leading bleaching agents in teeth whitening could be the most common cause of cancer if used for a long while. The bleaching agent also destroys some other body parts such as the membranes. You may also excessively bleach your teeth which is expensive to take it back to the initial position. This makes it compulsory that you be careful at all times.
As a result off the associated dangers, it's important that you seek expert opinion before making use of any teeth whitening chemical. It could affect your healthy in many different ways hence making sure that you choose well will help a lot. The side effects of teeth whitening bleaches could be serious hence it's imperative that you be careful always.
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