subject: Selecting a Mesothelioma Treatment Option - Critical Info [print this page] Selecting a Mesothelioma Treatment Option - Critical Info
A treatment that cures malignant mesothelioma doesn't yet exist, but people with the disease may still choose to receive a variety of treatments for their mesothelioma cancer or even take part in clinical trials. The malignant mesothelioma treatment methods most often recommended are surgery, drug therapy, and radiation. Although these are the most popular, you'll notice new treatment methods that are increasing in popularity, the bulk of of which are experimental. Several of these treatment methods are gene therapy, immunotherapy, and photodynamic therapy.
There are three unique types of surgery for malignant mesothelioma patients; analgesic surgery, diagnostic surgery, and curative surgery. Palliative surgical procedures are to alleviate symptoms and involves completely removing some of the cancerous tissue. Nevertheless, this type of surgery doesn't offer a cure.
The goal of curative surgeries are to completely remove as much of the cancerous tissue as feasible with the hope that it will be enough to cure the individual. When curative surgical procedures are carried out they are frequently followed up with radiation therapy or chemotherapy.
Diagnostic surgical approaches are strictly employed to figure out if cancer really is present in a person or not. It additionally aids in identifying its location, if it is found, and is customarily non-invasive.
Drugs developed for chemotherapy are usually given intravenously with the goal of killing cancerous tissue. Cancer cells can multiply quite quickly so it is more effective to begin chemotherapy as fast as possible.
The point of radiation is comparable to drug therapy, to exterminate cancerous tissue and also reduce the spreading of mesothelioma cancer cells as much as you can. It's also considered "ionizing radiation" and is usually utilized after surgery has been completed. It's every so often utilized as palliative care to reduce some of the pain caused by the disorder.
Photodynamic therapy is normally utilized only if the malignant mesothelioma is confined to a small area and is not typically effective after the cancer has metastasized. Photodynamic therapy entails giving the individual medication intravenously that makes cancer cells exceptionally sensitive to a particular form of light. A few days after treatment the individual is then subjected to this light, killing the mesothelioma cancer cells that previously absorbed the medication.
Gene treatments are experimental and entails infecting the individual with a virus which was genetically changed. The virus makes its way into mesothelioma cancer cells which results in the production of a protein. A short time after infecting the individual with the genetically altered virus, the individual is then treated with a drug which isn't damaging to regular cells, but is engineered to be toxic to cancer cells.
Immunotherapy attempts to deceive the person's immune system into killing cancer cells. With active immunotherapy the individual has a certain amount of their malignant mesothelioma cells removed and then used to make a vaccine. The individual then has the vaccine injected into them which will most likely result in the person's immune system identifying the "malignant mesothelioma cell vaccine" as a toxic substance, and as a result identifying the cancer itself as a toxic substance.
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