subject: Planning for Travel in the TNQ Region of Australia [print this page] Learning about Australia's Tropical North area brings you to think that there's not much to see and kind of desolate. But that would be a wrong assumption as there are many attractions, many spas and hotels that are very luxurious. However there is a lot of acreage of wilderness that is uninhabited because it is protected from human development, keeping the nature in natural. Exploration of this fantastic area is a must do, as there are so many things to see, but to cover all of this area you will need a car because it's too big for public transportation. You can easily do it by car so rent one so you can do some exploration, but think about these issues prior to leaving. First make sure your vehicle is in good working order and that you are well stocked with maps, water, a cell phone and a GPS system if it is available. Keep the phone number of your accommodations handy just in case you need to call them for directions. Also, make sure that you have a means of changing a tire if you suddenly get a flat. You will be traveling on rugged terrain, so this is always a possibility. Another thing to consider is the weather, this is because if there is some bad weather some roads may have to close. So you must talk to locals or authorities before you head out so that you know if any roads have been affected. The maps are good but they don't give you this information, but you can plan to go a different way or a different day. The final piece of advice is make all your travel during the daylight as it's not easy to navigate the rainforests with light and almost impossible to make your way in the dark. This wilderness is such that it's easy to get on the wrong road in the light so you definitely would have problems at night, if you want to go somewhere that will take longer then find somewhere to stay over the night. If you do have any type of problem with the car stay there with it until help shows up, don't try to walk away.
Planning for Travel in the TNQ Region of Australia
By: Jerry Duncan
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