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subject: Tips For Gay Travel To Acapulco And Puerto Vallarta [print this page]

Tips For Gay Travel To Acapulco And Puerto Vallarta

When planning your vacation, if you have decided on Mexico, but want to stay in a smaller city, try Puerto Vallarta. A port city, yet also one with former agriculture as its biggest means of income, some of the reminders of that long gone era are still there. There are still the cobblestone streets in the main area of town, chickens in the streets as are commonly seen all over Mexico, there are locals who are quite friendly and welcoming, the area is close to the ocean as well as the mountains, and there is a flood of visiting people from all over the world almost year round. Puerto Vallarta is truly a popular gay travel vacation city.

There are a variety of fun filled ways to spend your days and nights in Puerto Vallarta. Some gay travelers rent bicycles and work on keeping their leg muscles strong as they bike along the Cuale River. There is sunbathing, sunsets, walking upon miles of white beaches, whale watching on Banderas Bay, horseback riding, and if you are up for a nightlife, there are dance clubs, which are also gay friendly with drag queen shows and in Mexico, the American dollar is worth almost twice as much as the Peso. This means your dollar goes a lot further, making for a very affordable vacation.

Puerto Vallarta is known as a gay friendly city and also boasts five star hotels for all its vacationers. Add in the artistic and magnificent scenery, cozy, quaint, little houses and you'll understand why visitors come to Puerto Vallarta from not only the United States, Canada and British Columbia, but other countries as well. Because gay travel has increased with the need for more gay friendly vacation destinations, Mexico has become a favorite among all gays, especially in Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta. In the latter, if you love art and music, vivid sunsets, amazing sunrises, biking along trails or long strips of sandy white beaches, an exciting night life with over eighteen clubs to choose from, then Puerto Vallarta will quickly become one of your favorite vacation spots for years to come.

There also is Acapulco. Acapulco is famous for its beautiful stretches of white beach, warm, aqua colored ocean, to the comfortable and exotic hotels and home like villas. If you would rather stay in a condominium, those are available to rent also. For an exciting night life, there are gay bars and nightclubs where you and your partner can dance the night away.
Tips For Gay Travel To Acapulco And Puerto Vallarta

Acapulco receives gay tourists from all over the United States and other countries because they cater to gays, making Acapulco an attractive destination. Some of the favorite gay clubs you won't want to miss are Moons, a fantastic dance club; Club Savage, if you wish to saunter on over to the drag queen performances; Demas, another dance club with loud music, and the place to listen to Latina and American music, is at Cabare Tito beach. Fortunately, Acapulco realizes that their tourism relies on gays vacationing in safety and spending money, so Acapulco makes gay travel more attractive, safer, and more popular every year.
Tips For Gay Travel To Acapulco And Puerto Vallarta

There is even a gay beach in Acapulco called Playa Condesa where partiers frequent, and is also known for its jet ski rentals and para sailing. A little further down are restaurants and a bar, all gay friendly. If you simply want to soak up some sun or sit in the shade, a vendor will be along to rent you an umbrella, chair, and sell you cool refreshing drinks. Gay travel to this beach is the highest in Mexico.

Casa Condesa situated on a hill from the beach, is a very popular gay guesthouse run by gay managers. Gay travelers who have stayed there haven't wanted to leave Acapulco because the atmosphere is so friendly and safe. When you feel safe, you can relax and have fun. In fact, some felt such a wonderment in Acapulco, they have come back to live permanently.

Still, even if you are going for a vacation only, and you want a friendly, affordable, gay travel destination where you are sure to have fun, privacy when you desire, and acquire many new friends, relax, and enjoy your stay, because you will never regret traveling to Acapulco.

by: Howie Holben

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