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subject: Great Bar Stool Reading: The Great American Novels Pt. 1 [print this page]

Great Bar Stool Reading: The Great American Novels Pt. 1

A list of the Great American Novels and good bar stool reading that everyone should read if they consider themselves a true American. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Huck Finn is one of the greatest creations of Mark Twain and his novel is often considered mandatory reading for high school students. The story of the young Huckleberry Finn is one of the most lasting impressions of bygone America. The freewheeling style of Huck Finn often makes children and parents nostalgic for a simpler time when a child was let free into the world to develop and learn for his or herself. In the novel, Twain satirizes Southern America through the story of Huck Finns trek down the Mississippi river with his friend Jim, a runaway slave. Through a number of vignettes we follow Finns adventures and scrapes and come to love and admire his open mind and free spirit. The Scarlet Letter One of Nathanial Hawthornes greatest works, and what many consider one of the finest American novels, The Scarlet Letter, published in 1850, takes place in 17th century Puritan Boston where a woman named Hester Prynne has an adulterous affair and gives birth to the bastard child. In the story she struggles to survive among the judgmental Puritans and attempts to find her own ability for repentance and forgiveness from God and her peers. The themes of the novel are sin, guilt, forgiveness and legalism. Moby-Dick Herman Melvilles magnum opus, Moby-Dick is one of the most famous novels in the world and is often considered one of the greatest metaphor novels of its time. The story is about the sailor Ishmael and his captain Ahab who are searching for a mysterious white sperm whale which is known for its ferocity and tenaciousness. Ahab has already faced the whale once when it destroyed his boat and bit off his leg, so he is out for revenge. The story does not end well, with Ahab coming face to face again with his mortal enemy and losing the fight due to a backfiring harpoon, which sinks the boat and all the crew except for Ishmael.

Great Bar Stool Reading: The Great American Novels Pt. 1

By: Kasan Groupe

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