subject: Reminiscing On Good Trips [print this page] Traveling has always been a love of mineTraveling has always been a love of mine. My father was an airline pilot so luckily I had the good fortune of flying for free for much of my youth. In fact, up until I turned 23 (the age when most airlines restrict non-revenue fliers like myself I spent pretty much every weekend in a new city.
Most trips were spontaneous, but a few were planned. Most of all, I just loved getting out across the country and seeing places I'd never seen before. And if I could stay with someone at my destination, a friend or someone I new, it was all the better for the budget. Here are a few trips that stand out in my mind as being particularly wonderful.
Right after I was married, my sister in law and I wanted to explore a region of the country we'd never visited; the South. So we planned a trip to Charleston, South Carolina and set off on a weekend of walking and discovery. I loved that city-it was so historically rich in so many wonderfully old places to visit. We spent some time trying out the good food and wearing holes in our shoes walking the city. We even took a tour of a local plantation complete with a boat ride around an old rice field. It was a very interesting and entertaining little trip.
Another great place I've always loved to visit is San Francisco. I've flown over there for the weekend on many occasions and had a lovely stay in the Bay Area. For a while I had a good friend living in Santa Rosa, just about an hour drive north of San Francisco. I would fly into the city, spend a day seeing the sites, and then he would pick me up and take me up north to visit Sonoma Country. I love northern California and would love to live there someday.
Travelling on any sized budget can be wonderful. Even if you're not one of the lucky ones who gets free flights, you can still take advantage of air fare sales and take a quick weekend trip. And, like I said before, try planning trips to places where you know someone to stay with. Its always cheaper than having to get a hotel and you can get a more local feel for the area that you're visiting. Shop for flight deals, stay with friends and have fun.
by: Art Gib
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