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Online PMP Training Classes versus Institutional PMP Classes

Online PMP Training Classes versus Institutional PMP Classes

Life is all about learning. As long as you live, you are learning continuously.

A human loves to study. Learning new things, inputting another informative knowledge into their minds then share it with others or apply it in our daily living. Even postgraduates still love to continue studying in the form of institutional learning going to universities and such. A Project Manger's reason is to enhance and improve the things they've learned even PMP trainings are quite about skills, application way of learning and very practical.

All of us had been used to go to school ever since when we are still little kids; bringing books and bags then travels to school back and forth. You can meet different kinds of people then choose which of them you want to be with always. Who wouldn't miss the arguments with our professors, telling them that what we are thinking was right and theirs are wrong? We even have fun playing with sports activities and join very great school activities.

But, as our technology got even more advanced, most students, especially to those who are already graduated with their first courses yet continued pursuing their studies, uses online classes. Their reasons are valid, though. Most of them are already working but they still want to learn more, so they surf in the Internet and look for online classes and after some clicking, done! They're already in the class.

Let's take for example, Project Management. It is concerning online and may have contributed greater than any other course, because they are able to study even in the hectic of their schedules. It may sound good, but does this really is greater than normal ways of going to school?

It is quite hard to explain, but, let's just take a look of some advantages of both parties:

Advantages of Institutional Project Management Classes:

You will be able to meet different kinds of people which will help you learn to be a very flexible and able to adjust anybody's personality.

By handling different personalities, it would not be that hard for you to handle different projects with different problems and environment

Project Management is an all about application. If you do attend normal PMP classes, you would be able to practice applying it with Project team members that will give you ideas on how you should handle a project.

Advantages of Online Project Management Classes:

You would be able to learn many things at the same time.

You could also learn things out from different countries even though you are not physically there.

Even in your hectic schedule, you are able to both work and study.

You will not need to bring lots of heavy books just to learn because lots of online PMP books are always available in the web, such as PMBOKs, PMP study guides, etc.

And lots and lots of advantages are seen out there. So, let's not talk about disadvantages because I am not referring to which is way of doing classes is better but I just differentiating between online and normal way of taking classes. But I guess that every person has their own way of learning things. PMP is quite a not-so-easy course and it needs a lot of time to even pass the certification. And every person has different status in life, in a professional and non-professional way. Their schedules and availability is different. So, either online project management class or the institutional one, it depends on them; how to manage their time equally will be the basis on their career in the years ahead.

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