subject: Use Client Satisfaction Online Surveys To Get An Edge Over Your Competitors [print this page] Client satisfaction online surveys are designed to elicit responses from customers regarding the products and services of your company. They are effective to generate, store and manage customer feedback in a central location.
Why online surveys?
For ages, companies have been gathering feedback from their customers with the purpose of serving them better with advanced products and services. They used to employ traditional survey methods like phone and written surveys to know the preferences, attitudes and opinions of their customers. But these traditional methods had drawbacks which resulted in the emergence of online surveys.
What are online surveys?
Client satisfaction online surveys generally involve the use of an online questionnaire that asks clients to answer questions using a Likert scale. Online surveys are fast, efficient and cost effective. These features have made them very popular with companies both big and small.
The popularity of online surveys has led market research companies to specialize in creating different types of surveys and also to formulate different software to analyze the feedback collected.
Types of surveys
When trying to measure your customers satisfaction you can adopt two approaches- transaction satisfaction and overall satisfaction.
Under a transaction survey, every time a client completes a transaction, like a customer support call or a purchase or a refund, he will be sent a survey to complete. Since a single client might have multiple interactions with your organization and will be invited multiple times to participate in client satisfaction online surveys, it is desirable that the surveys be kept short. Moreover, this type of survey only should only contain questions pertaining to the transaction that was just completed by the client.
In an image based or overall client satisfaction survey, a customer is asked questions about his overall experience with your company. The questions are generally a mix of quantitative and qualitative types to ascertain the satisfaction of the customers about various aspects of the company and also to let the customer praise or complain different aspects. Both types of questions (praise and complain) are necessary to know how a customer perceives a company and how he compares the company with the competitors.
Which customer satisfaction survey to employ?
In the market you can find a multitude of software packages for conducting online surveys. They contain a plethora of features and are easy to deploy in your website. They are cheap also. Some of them employ modern techniques like intercept surveys which are effective in getting more specific and result oriented customer feedback.
Depending on the size of your business you can easily find client satisfaction online survey software that will suit your requirements and budget.
by: Nick
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