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subject: Cheap Spy Cameras Online [print this page]

Spy cameras are board cameras that are placed inside common objects that you see just about everywhere. They are usually working objects to keep the deception at a high level. You see them in an office, home or business. Some examples include wall clocks, radios, tower fans, air purifiers, down view smoke detectors, mirrors and many more.

Spy cameras used to be expensive but there are probably a dozen or more that you can get several for less than $150.00 and some for fewer than one hundred dollars. There are several so-called "body worn" cameras that have a camera of course, a DVR and a mini microphone inside making them the ultimate spy device. Some examples of those are a stick hidden camera, watch, ball point pen, cigarette lighter, sunglasses rear view mirror and a car key fob.

Spy cameras are becoming increasingly popular these days. Their purpose is to catch somebody doing something they shouldn't be doing and there's plenty of that going around.

Body worn cameras are the only ones that can legally have a microphone in them. Most spy cameras only transmit images to a monitor of some kind-usually a television or computer monitor. They do not record images. To record images you need a VCR or a DVR or some kind of recording device.

There is a new group of products called all-inclusive spy cameras that have a DVR built right into them. They are admittedly more expensive but they save you time and money (the cost of the DVR) and are very easy to use.

Unfortunately, there are no specialties stores that specialize in cheap spy cameras. You can get the best selection, best prices and most convenience by shopping online.

When are you getting one?

A covert hidden spy camera can be an even better deterrent than a burglar alarm or a security guard. A camera can be used to identify the bad guys catching them red handed indoors or outdoors.

Can you use a spy hidden camera for home, office or business? You actually can't afford to not have one! Find out what is going on when you are not there at home, your business or office from anywhere in the world.

Chances are if you are reading this that crime has touched your life in some way or you consider yourself at risk. Take the next step and do something to protect yourself! Your life, home security and safety is worth far more than the cost of a hidden camera.

by: Jack Krohn

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