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subject: Five Reasons For Business Travelers In Phoenix To Invest In Home Alarm Systems [print this page]

Five Reasons For Business Travelers In Phoenix To Invest In Home Alarm Systems

Spending long stretches on the road is becoming more and more common for those in the working world who are expected to commute. And for businesspeople based in Phoenix and other big cities, leaving homes unattended is becoming more of a concern, with crime rates up across the state of Arizona and the southwest in general. For those who take the time to double-check that windows and doors are locked and shut, sometimes investing a little bit more in home security is recommended. After all, if one's house is not going to be occupied for a few days, it becomes a considerably higher priority target for enterprising crooks who prefer breaking into residences where there is obviously no one around.

Whether considering it for the first time or just starting to look at the possibilities, here are five reasons for business travelers in Phoenix to invest in home alarm systems sooner rather than later.

#1 - Additional security for anyone who is living alone. Because a household where there is only one occupant means an easier target for a seasoned criminal who knows the difference between vacant and unlit, so it makes even more sense for business travelers to invest in some extra protection. While locking up and remembering to use deadbolts does a lot to dissuade people who are considering a break-in, only a home alarm system can actually make a difference if someone succeeds while you're out of town.

#2 - The increased value of the home office setup. Those who spend a lot of time working often keep important equipment and information around the house, and the home office is quickly turning into a place where people store the data that robbers are frequently looking for. Since it's less about simply grabbing belongings and more about stealing identities, it makes sense to take particular care towards safeguarding the kind of information that makes a ton of money.

#3 - Desperate times across the country. With crime rates up, it makes sense for residents of a variety of neighborhoods to think about home security, since it appears that there are simply more people out there who are making money off of breaking and entering. Actually spending some time to double-check the situation with safeguarding a home coupled with an effective system designed to make it difficult to successfully break in is one way to combat this.

#4 - Assistance with more than just safeguarding from robbers. A lot of times, business travelers assume that the only worry they have while not at the house is the breaking and entering variety. But there is more to worry about when not at a house. Whether it's dealing with carbon monoxide leaks and pets or smoke detectors not picking up a slow burn from a space heater that was not turned off, it makes sense to think about home alarm systems as something that protect a house from itself, in addition to outsiders.

#5 - Protecting investments. What it ultimately comes down to is the fact that having a home is costly, and spending a lot of time working on the road to maintain that space only to find it ransacked is truly upsetting. Protecting one's investments is even more crucial in shaky economic times, so investing in a device that does a world of good towards keeping things safe simply makes sense.

by: Adam Hampton

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