subject: How To Be Productive In The Gym When Training Solo [print this page] I'm not talking about working out well with the help of your imaginary friend or with the help of your gym partner. I'm talking about working out in a gym and making it a friendly place for the other people coming to the gym as well. You can make someone's life in the gym harder a lot harder than it has to be. Here are some basic principles that you should follow in order to ensure that the time you spend at the gym is used up well both for yourself and the others around you as well.
1.Only pick emergency calls
There is nothing as annoying as someone who is screaming into their phones for what will seem to be ages. The noisier the gym gets, the louder they get. There are people who are in the habit of coming to the gym and making what seems to be conference calls in the gym. It is quite annoying for the people working out next to you to concentrate on what they are doing while you haul insults at your incompetent secretary! It will also divide your attention and you end up losing count of your exercise reps and you may even do something as silly but as serious as dropping a weight on your own foot! Switch off your phone or direct it to your voicemail.
2.Learn how to breathe quietly
This one just drives me nuts. There are people who scream like they are in labor pain as they lift those heavy weights. Breathing with your mouth still actively engaged in your mantra of sorts just makes you loose a lot of that very precious air. This is a clear way of distinguishing a pro from an amateur. Just put your wails on mute or look for another way of breathing that won't make you sound like someone is squeezing the life out of your lungs.
3.Always share your toys
The gym may not have 50 machines for the 50 people who are working out there. This means that if you don't like sharing stuff than you seriously need to consider investing in a fully functional home gym, complete with a personal trainer! Until then, you just have to play it nice with the other gym users. Don't hog a machine by using them really slowly and going for extra reps that you don't need knowing that someone else wants to use the machine. Put yourself in that other person's shoes and imagine the rage that will build up when you interrupt his training just because half an hour later, you're still using the same machine!
4.Always be constantly aware of the people around you.
By knowing where the other person is, you will know just how much space you have available to yourself. This will prevent you from throwing your arms and legs into someone else's face! Always regard the safety of the others around you and it will only follow suite that you will return weights to the rack and keep your working area safe.
by: Dane Fletcher
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