subject: How to Kill Warlord Zul'jin - World of Warcraft [print this page] You will need the following raid composition in order to kill Warlord Zul'jin: 1 tank, 3-4 healers, and 5-6 DPS.
Visit Best Alliance Leveling Guide AND a Horde Leveling Guide A successful Zul'Jin encounter is completed in five different phases: Human, Eagle, Dragonhawk, Lynx, and Bear. Each phase is triggered at 20% health intervals, and each interval wipes the aggro-slate clear. This fight is extraordinarily long. If you lose a player too soon you will most likely fail. Phase 1 Abilities: Grievous Throw: This is identical to the ability performed by Rokmar The Crackler from Slave Pens (2nd boss), which is a DOT that can only be removed by healing the targeted player to maximum health at which point the DOT is removed. Whirlwind: This needs to be avoided by your melee class as it can do significant damage. If your melee players cannot successfully avoid the Whirlwind, have them remain away from Zul'jin during the Human Phase. During this phase, the tank should keep Zul'jin facing away from the rest of the party while the melee DPS stands directly behind Zul'jin. The primary danger of Phase 1 is a combined Grievous Throw and Whirlwind performed on a melee character. Avoid that combination and you should survive this phase without issue. Additionally, raid members should avoid placing DOTs on him when he gets near 80% health. Phase 2 - Bear Form. When Zul'jin reaches 80% health he will move to the center of his platform and shape shift into a Bear. His two abilities during this phase are: Creeping Paralysis and Overpower. Creeping Paralysis: Similar to Repentance cast by Maiden of Virtue in Karazhan, Creeping Paralysis will paralyze the entire party for a period of approximately twenty seconds. However, unlike Repentance, Creeping Paralysis does not get removed when the player takes damage. When the twenty seconds are completely, players will take 5,000 points of damage. A Priest or Paladin must dispel themselves and then immediately dispel the main tank otherwise the tank will be unable to dodge, block, or parry, and that could result in a wipe. Overpower: This is the same as a Warriors Overpower: an instant attack that deals damage to an enemy that successfully dodges. Zul'jin's Overpower inflicts 5,000 points of damage when performed. Near the end of Phase 2, it is recommended that you place as many DOTs onto Zul'jin as you possible can. Phase 3 - Eagle Form. At 60% Zul'jin will again move to the center of his area and shape shift into Eagle Form. During this phase, Zul'jin will remain stationary in Eagle Form and do nothing. His two abilities during this phase are Electrical Storm and Tornadoes. Electrical Storm: This will do 1,250 points of damage to any player who casts a spell throughout the duration of this phase. Tornadoes: These will slowly chase players and often switch to a new player target throughout the fight. Tornadoes will do 1,000 points of damage and perform a knock-back for any player who comes into contact with one. Because of the Electrical Storm damage caused to spell casters, all players should use their healing potions and bandages as much as possible during this phase. Healers and DPS casters should switch to heavy-damage or heavy-healing spells during this phase since the Electrical Storm will damage them equally regardless of the spell-type that is cast. Avoiding the tornadoes is the key to surviving this phase. Remember, Zul'jin won't do anything but sit there and allow you to DPS him. The Tornadoes and Electrical Storm damage are your enemies during this phase. Phase 4 - Lynx Form. When Zul'jin hits 40% health, he will move to the center of the platform and begin the Lynx Form phase. His two abilities during this phase: Claw Charge and Lynx Rush.
Visit Best Alliance Leveling Guide AND a Horde Leveling Guide Claw Charge: This is a random attack that will perform 10 consecutive, 1,000 point damage attacks to the targeted player. Armor does not curb any amount of damage; cloth or armor wearers will get hit for the same amount of health. Each attack places a debuff that increases damage taken by 150. It is estimated between 14,000 to 16,000 points of damage will be done to the target of Claw Charge in about 8 seconds. Your healers must be fast if you wish to keep the targeted player alive! Lynx Rush: Zul'jiin will charge 6-7 people and place a DOT on them. This DOT will cause 8,000 points of damage to each player over a period of 10 seconds. Needless to say, a player who gets the combo of Lynx Rush and Claw Charge is going to require excessive healing if they are to survive. During this entire phase, it is recommended that the entire raid stand next to each other and as close as possible to Zul'jin. This will maximize the effectiveness of chain heal spells and allow your melee DPS to continue DPS on him throughout the phase. This is a very tough portion of the fight for healers. They must be quick to select their targets and cast heals or players will die in a matter of seconds. Phase 5 - Dragonhawk form. When Zul'jin hits 20% health, he will begin the fifth and final phase of this encounter. His abilities during this phase: Flame Whirl, Flame Columns, and Flame Breath. Flame Whirl: This is an AOE fire attack that causes 1,000 points of damage to raid members. In addition to the fire damage, Flame Whirl places a stackable debuff that increases fire damage taken by 50% (the next Flame Whirl will inflict 1,500 points of damage and so on). Flame Columns: This is very similar to the Void Zones cast by Grand Warlock Nethekurse - the first boss in Shattered Halls. The fire columns will cause 1,000 points of damage to any raid member who comes into contact with them. If your raid is paying attention, these are not much of an issue; just move away from them. Flame Breath: The last of his abilities during the final phase is Flame Breath, which is a directional AOE attack that inflicts approximately 1,500 points of damage to anyone in its path. The debuff caused by Flame Whirl potentially makes Column of Fire and Flame Breath extremely dangerous, especially when the debuff has been stacked three or four times.