subject: Factors Accelerating Amino Acid's Bioavailability [print this page] There are several factors or rather steps, that a body builder can take to amplify the bioavailability of amino acids in his or her body. Amino acids are essentially sourced from protein foods but the rate in which these protein foods are digested and absorbed into the system differs. These speed of digestion and absorption of amino acids including the rate of transportation to the muscle sites where they are required for tissue generation, repair or revitalization, is what we term as bioavailability. The higher the bioavailability of amino acids in the body, the more beneficial they are in the quest of building maximal muscle mass.
The factors pertinent to amplifying the bioavailability include the following. The first constitutes nature of the protein food. When the protein food is in the form of liquids, it's easily digested and absorbed into the blood than when it is in solid form. Liquids, powder, tablets and finally solids, are respective in their bioavailability in that order. As such it is important that the body builder ensures that most foods ingested into the body have been broken down to as much as is possible. Breaking down foods before eating them or swallowing them, is chemically predigesting them and thereby making the digestive processes minimal to achieve complete absorption.
Foods rich in binders, fibers, fillers and other nutritive and or non-nutritive content, is also very easily broken down and absorbed. That is why a body builder should include as much vegetables and fiber content in the diet if the metabolism processes are to be as fast as necessary to provide timely raw materials for muscle growth.
Another determining factor of bioavailability of amino acids to the muscles sites where they are needed for growth and muscle cell renewal is the status of the metabolism system, otherwise called the digestive system. This status accrues from elements such as the body builder's genetic make-up, the age, the overall health and the workout routine. If a body builder is suffering from specific terminal diseases and or delimiting illnesses, it might affect the rate of digestion and the efficiency of both the breakdown and absorption of food in his or her body. Keeping the health at prime state, amplifying the lifestyle from inactivity to intensive training can help argument the bioavailability since the metabolism status will be at its prime.
At this point also, it is important to mention that the metabolism efficiency is also very key to determining the bioavailability of amino acids. In efficiency of the metabolism processes, we refer to the ability of a body to completely break down foods and absorb them fully into the blood stream. In other words, a body builder must also make sure that his or her body efficiently utilizes the small and large intestine in the absorption of foods. Some specific types of foods are absorbed at different stage of the digestive process and full absorption does not take place then, the amino acids are lost to excretion. Glutamine must be fully absorbed very early in the small intestines.
Finally, when all is said and done, metabolism and or utilization of amino acids best occurs if proteins are taken by a body builder while he or she is on an empty stomach. The dosage itself must be minimally efficient to enable significant quantities of amino acids quickly reach the target body tissues. Proteins ought to be eaten before and after an intensive workout session to amplify their metabolism.
by: Dane Fletcher
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