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Online bad habits and how to avoid them

Online bad habits and how to avoid them
Online bad habits and how to avoid them

Most of the users (including me!) have bad habits on pc use. The important thing is to locate them in order to expel them once and forever

These habits often enough, burden the hardware of our PC making our lives harder.

Today is the day of the laziest of the information technologies community. I bet that many of you have used the word "password" for their real password or your date of birthday.

You should consider what else you might do that may burden your life or your PC's. It's really essential to pay attention on your network security in order to be prepared from all the online and offline dangers that exist on the web.

Without any further delays, we provide you with the 10 worst habits most users' have that may affect the life and the functionality of your PC's and how to avoid them:

I don't use any antispam - antimalware or other IT security software on my PC.

I don't take any backups of any of my hard-discs.

I sometimes reply to spam e-mails.

I don't shut down my laptop during the way back home from the office.

I usually print everything.

I leave my laptop in the car.

I install all the junk they send me.

I use the same password for all my accounts.

I use my laptop on bed.

I don't know (after all these years using windows) the shortcuts of my keyboard.

Of course, if you do just half of these things you are lucky you still have your PC alive! In the next post we will analyze how these 10 bad habits may harm our PC's.


IT Security Intelligence Athens, Greece

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