subject: Belly Fat Children: How I Reduced My Son's Belly Fat Within One Month [print this page] Belly Fat Children: How I Reduced My Son's Belly Fat Within One Month
Belly fat children are more like overfed pigs. Having an under aged boy that cuts the picture of a pregnant woman is not only ugly but embarrassing. That was my lot until I decided to end the pain of embarrassment which my son's belly fat was causing me and even the boy himself. My son's peers taunt him endlessly. He became the laughing stock amongst them. The taunts soon led to embarrassment and consequently to insecurity. I later found out that if not properly handled, my son could grow with the insecurity until adulthood. That was when I decided to take action. This article is therefore written to showcase the steps I took to eliminate my son's belly fat within one month.
1). Designing of a diet plan: My first duty was to ensure that my son started eating right. All along I had allowed my son to eat all sort of junks as food thinking I was treating him well and making him live a normal life. How wrong I was. Little did I know that all the pastries, candies, chocolates and milk shakes were not doing him any good as they were all finding their ways into his body and ending up as fats in his body and consequently his abs.
I therefore decided to reduce his carbohydrates intake to 0.5 x his body weight in grams per day. I also reduced his fats intake to 0.2 x his body weight in grams per day. I then increased his protein intake to 1.5 x his body weight in grams per day. I thereafter designed a proper diet plan for my son and ensured that he followed it religiously even when I was not there.
I reduced his intake of chocolates, candies, pastries, fried chips, hamburgers, white bread, sweets, iced cream, milk shake, cola etc. I thereafter ensured that he ate more of beans, eggs, salad with olive oil dressing, wheat bread, broccoli, onions and cabbage. I also ensured that he drank more water daily, at least between 6 and 8 glasses daily to detoxify his body. I also ensured that he drank more calcium based dairy products. I ensured that he ate more seeds and nuts which contain good fats (which fights the bad fats in the body). I also ensured that he ate more fruits and vegetables daily.
2). Designing of an exercise plan: I also designed an exercise plan which we jointly execute together. I ensured that he was always active because sedentary life breeds laziness and consequently mass storage of fat particularly around the abs. We engage in light exercises together and not the strenuous ones that could discourage him. For example, I bought us both a bicycle which we both rode. We had a regime of exercises which we regularly follow. We also did light jogging and some aerobics.
3). Conditioning: I ensured that the habits that would help him shed the unwanted belly fat were repeated again and again. Consequently the habits became part of him. For example I made sure that eating of the right diet was repeated again and again. When he asked for candies or chocolates I gave nuts, seeds or fruits. I also ensured that exercising was repeated again and again until it became consistent and my boy became permanently active and never lived a sedentary life again. For example bicycle riding became part of our routine activities in our household.
4). Reinforcement: I made sure I immediately reward him anytime he displayed those habits that encouraged elimination of belly fat. Sometimes when he voluntarily asked for fruits or nuts instead of chocolate I reward him. Or when he voluntarily picks his bicycle to ride or even jogged by him self without any prodding, I rewarded him immediately. The reward could be a simple praise or maybe buying for him something that he desired like say a video game. Alternatively, if I caught him doing something that would encourage amassing belly fat I immediately reprimand him.
By the conditioning and reinforcement of those habits that encouraged elimination of belly fat in children, you will make those habits last longer and consequently more permanent. This way you would help eliminate the belly fat in your child. You should therefore follow the steps I used above and you will succeed in eliminating the belly fat in your children within one month like I did. As a parent you have your role to play, if not your child might end up being at the receiving end of bullies and his peers.
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