subject: Sappy Christians – A Fun Bible Object Lesson for Your Kids [print this page] Sappy Christians A Fun Bible Object Lesson for Your Kids
I love trees! If I wasn't a Christian, I would probably be a full fledged tree hugger! I always picture trees as standing tall unto the Lord giving Him all the praise for their life. There is a beautiful Scripture found in Psalm 104:16 which says, "The cedars of Lebanon which He hath planted." It was God who planted them, not man. It is also God who gives each of us His life. Here is a fun Bible object lesson that will teach your children that Christians have a lot in common with the beautiful cedars of Lebanon.
Here's what you do:
The object you will use for this lesson will be a picture of the cedars of Lebanon. You can go to Google Images for several choices.
Ask the following questions to help stimulate discussion:
1. What is this a picture of? (Wait for responses.) That's right. It's a picture of some trees. But these trees are extra special because the Bible speaks about them.
2. Ask a child to read Psalm 104:16. Wow. This verse says that God planted these trees, not man.
3. Have you ever thought that Christians are a lot like trees? Well, they are.
4. Let's learn a little more about this Bible verse and learn how to apply it to our own lives. Here are 3 important points.
Point 1: Trees are beautiful! Especially the tall majestic cedar trees which stand firm and green all year around. Christians are like the cedar trees mentioned in our verse today. "How can this be?" you might ask. Let me give you three reasons why you are like a cedar tree.
Point 2:
1. The cedars of Lebanon, that are written about in our Psalm today, were not planted by man but by God. When we become a Christian, it is God who plants the seed of new life in you. No man does this great miracle, only God can.
2. The tall cedars of Lebanon grow out of rock and must trust God for their water to make them grow. As a Christian you should trust God for everything you need. Put your faith in God.
3. Cedar trees are full of sap. That's that sticky stuff you see on trees sometimes. Sap gives the trees their life and keeps them green even in the winter. Picture Jesus as your sap. He is the life in side of you that keeps you strong for Him.
Point 3: So, since we are like beautiful cedar trees made and protected and fed by God alone, let us praise God and thank Him.
This 3-Point Bible Object Lesson for Kids was inspired by my reading of C.H. Spurgeon's devotional on Psalm 104:16 from his book Morning and Evening. You too can be inspired by your favorite Christian authors and come up with your own 3-Point Sermon for Kids.
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