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subject: Breast Reduction Surgery Who Does It Better? [print this page]

Breast  Reduction Surgery   Who Does It Better?

Breast Reduction Surgery Who Does It Better?

Mostly, a number of women go for breast reduction surgery as a result of suffering from huge breasts, a condition that is commonly known as breast hypertrophy in the medical field. This may occur either in one or both breasts. The condition may be experienced during adolescence or even during pregnancy which may persist thereafter. In such cases therefore, the woman may opt to go for a breast reduction surgery to help reduce the size of the breasts. Though the cause of this kind of condition is unknown, it can be arrested through plastic surgery.

Breast  Reduction Surgery   Who Does It Better?

Before resulting to breast reduction surgery, there many important things that one should consider. The enlarged breast may have many other setbacks other than the general outlook of a woman. There are some health problems that are associated with huge breasts such as back pains as well as other medical complications. The problem of enlarged breast is good to note does not affect only women. There are also men who suffer from what we call Gynecomastia which may happen to one or both breasts. The cause of Gynecomastia has been pointed out as steroids, blood pressure, drugs and anti-depressants among other causes. This condition cannot be rectified by dieting or even excising and a surgery must be performed. The main goal of breast reduction surgery is to take out excessive tissue and skin from the breast so as to reduce the size and give the breast a good shape. The size of the areola can be reduced in this if at all it is required.

To be able to remove the tissue and the skin, a cut or more will be made on the breast by the surgeon. Then they will stitch the skin in order to close the opening. The areola and the nipple might also need to be removed and positioned on a different spot. The person may lose any feelings on the nipple due to the cutting off of nerves which help in sensing. The process of incision may be different on different people depending with amount of surplus tissue and skin to be removed from the breast as well as the positioning of the nipple. This process will include repositioning of breast tissue and the reshaping after removing the excess tissue. The skin that remains after the removal of the excessive tissues is tightened to avoid sagging and then the cuts are closed. The doctor will then possibly use surgical tape to help support and close the skin. After the breast reduction surgery the patient will be monitored where excessive fluids and blood will at times be drained using tubes and dressing done on the breasts and wrapped with a surgical bra. The patient will experience some pain for the next few days after the operation and then some discomfort but this will be over after sometime as they get used to the new look. The patient should at least make sure that they wear the surgical bra throughout the day to lessen swelling. More information can be found at

by: breastsurgeryla

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