subject: Need Work? Earn Money Online [print this page] You're probably reading this because you're struggling for money and need work. Times are hard right now with the economic crisis but opportunities have begun to arise through the internet. Many people are looking for extra work to earn more money and many just need work because they've lost other jobs. This means hundreds of thousands of people are turning to other places to find cash, and one of these places is the web.
Making money online is actually very easy. But it depends what sort of money you're looking to make and how much time you're willing to put in. Below I've listed a few work from home opportunities. I'll start with the lower income work and finish with the more complicated but high earning work.
1) Online Data Entry - These jobs are low income and very boring. But they are easy and can earn you some extra cash. I don't recommend doing something like this if you have a day job, it's just too tiring. If you really need work now and cash as soon as possible, it might be worth looking into.
2) Freelance Writing - This is when you create content for other people. A great site is Elance. You can list yourself and your CV on the site, and if someone likes what they see you can get hired. This is much easier if you have previous writing experience and a nice looking CV but it's still possible for newbies to excel at. I think the minimum payment for a job is $10 which isn't too bad, but there is a lot of competition.
3) Website Flipping - Flipping websites is the equivalent to property development. Because so many people are connected to the internet now, demand for decent, high traffic websites has sky rocketed. Most people can make websites these days (it's pretty much all done for you) but not many people know how to drive a lot of traffic. If you can learn to build websites with high traffic, you can sell these on for thousands of dollars. This can take a while to learn and do though.
4) Network Marketing - Online network marketing is when you sell a product and then everyone you sell to can also sell the product. Every time they sell the product you earn a commission. So if you sold to 10 people and they sold to 10 people each, you would be making commission on 100 sales. The possibilities in network marketing are enormous. The internet has such a huge reach that there are literally millions of potential customers at your door. If you can learn online marketing and use it well you won't ever need work again.
Don't be disheartened if you're out looking for work at the moment. It is difficult and frustrating (I speak from experience) but as soon as you give up you fail. Turning to the internet was the best decision I've ever made, and thousands more will agree with. The internet is our generation's gold rush.
Copyright (c) 2010 Joe Albert Stewart
by: Joe Albert Stewart
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