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subject: The 2 Different Breeds of Cash Gifting Mentor - Selfish Versus Selfless [print this page]

The 2 Different Breeds of Cash Gifting Mentor - Selfish Versus Selfless

The 2 Different Breeds of Cash Gifting Mentor - Selfish Versus Selfless

Cash gifting is dominated by 2 distinct personalities.

The work at home activity involves offering a declared sum of money strictly as a gift. The money is offered freely, without coercion or consideration.

A cash gift is not a loan, investment or payment for goods and services. It's simply a sum of money offered to help someone out.

Some clubs proving gifting levels from $150 to $10,000. Combine these numbers with strong leveraging potential and gifting offers a prospering means to increase your cash flow quickly.

Sponsors may receive $10,000 to $20,000 per month in cash gifts.

Cash gifting clubs offer you comprehensive libraries of free marketing tutorials. Even if you have zero knowledge of advertising you can become a pro quickly by taking a few basic steps each day.

Or you can simply choose to plug in to a lead generating system to set up a passive prosperity stream.

Like any home based opportunity cash gifting attracts different personalities.

Selfish Mentor

The selfish cash gifting mentor wants to get rich quick.

Look for the hype-filled website to find self-centered sponsors. All claims with few facts to back up these inflated claims.

These shysters simply want to part you from your money. They're in cash gifting for themselves.

Selfish mentors rarely last long in gifting. They are the first to be labeled scam artists. That's how karma works.

Even if they do stick around their blatant dishonesty catches eventually catches up with them.

Selfless Mentor

The selfless cash gifting mentor understand the nature of gifting: giving.

These mentors give freely of their cash, time and knowledge.

Sponsors might offer a comprehensive product to prospects before they even decide to pledge. That's what gifting is about. Giving freely with no strings attached.

The selfless mentors usually attract the most gifts since those who give freely receive generously.

Do homework on your cash gifting mentor and club. Make sure you pledge to a good egg.

Cash gifting offers an alternative to a work at home business. No product or service to sell, simply offer a cash gift and share the opportunity with others.

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