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subject: How Money Problems Cause Stress [print this page]

We have already spoken about the reality of negative emotions and how they can take away our energy and destroy our happiness. Negative emotions can make our lives quite miserable and make it much more difficult, if not impossible, to achieve our most significant goals in life. The challenges of every day life are enough to cause anyone consternation, but the attitude one adopts in response to life's normal and perhaps abnormal challenges is key to a person's life.

One of the biggest sources of stress and negative emotions in life is the problem of money. We are all familiar with this problem, as we all have to work hard to earn the money and then have to decide how to best spend it. So many Americans are struggling to keep up with their bills at the end of each month, and the more money a person makes the greater the expenses seem to pile up.

As with negative emotions in general, the answer is to simply accept responsibility for your own life. Remember that you are the one who chose to get that particular degree (or to not go to school at all), you chose the particular job that you're working on, and you have made the financial decisions regarding bills and investments.

No one is claiming that dealing with finances is easy, but the only solution is for you to take responsibility for your own life as an adult. Instead of blaming other people for your mistakes or for circumstances that are outside your control, focus on the things you can control and start fixing them one by one.

More than likely, at the root of your money problems is a simple lack of discipline. Many people could double their income in the coming year or two and end up increasing their expenses by a similar amount. In this way, we see that money difficulties are not simply a problem of income, but rather a problem of discipline and choosing what to do with the money you have.

Of course, we're not pretending that income is not a serious issue, but this too is under your control to a large extent. Ultimately, you'll have to upgrade your skills and make yourself a person who is worthy of being paid a higher salary. This becomes more reasonable if you take a long-term approach regarding your goals and realize that improvement can be realized on a daily basis.

by: Jacob Lumbroso

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