subject: Can A Blog Really Make Money For You Online-The Truth Will Surprise You [print this page] Can A Blog Really Make Money For You Online-The Truth Will Surprise You
Many people start blogs seduced by the promise of easy, set and forget money with a string of small focused blogs or websites.
Set And Forget?
Many "gurus" promise true "set and forget" income generating models.
Well the truth is somewhat different..
The failure rate is very high for people who see making money online as an easy task. Falling for the rubbish claims and grandiose promises from various quick buck artists will lead to tears and failure because these claims only attempt to create an optical illusion.
The truth is that you can create "make money blogs" but you had better be prepared to work hard..real hard. And anyone who tells you that they have a system for making money online with blogs and there is no work involve should be avoided like the plague.
If your methodology or system is sound you can make money online with blogs..but even if the system you use is innately profitable you will still need to spend considerable time maintaining your blog, checking stats and most importantly of all..promoting it.
The creation of a good content rich blog is the first part of your overall strategy but you will need to promote it relentlessly. You can achieve this by way of a number of methods including article marketing, paid advertising and social or Web 2.0 promotion.
So the answer to the question posed at the beginning of this article is yes, a blog can make money online. But to succeed you will need to treat it like any other business and work at it, particularly the promotion and marketing of your blog.
The odds are against you but you can give yourself a better than evens chance by learning a system to execute relentlessly.
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