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subject: What Happened When I Sent Cakes To India Online [print this page]

What Happened When I Sent Cakes To India Online

I have been living in New York for almost three years now. I am basically from Ahmedabad (Gujarat state) in India. We are a joint family there. We are total 18 members in the family. Yes I said one eight eighteen. This is because my uncles also live with us. Its really a great fun to live with so many members. I do not know how you feel but I do enjoy it very much. Well, to long in the short cut, I had got a job offer from an MNC and, as is the craze among almost all young Indians, I was crazy to work abroad. So I just grabbed the opportunity. But I couldnt sustain the same craze after a few months here. Yes! Its a wonderful place to live in and people are somewhat friendly and all, but something was missing.

So I kept thinking about the ways to stay associated with my family members, as close as possible. Yes, we did talk on phone very often but I wanted to be still closer; particularly on some special occasions like birthdays and festivals when they all enjoy it very much there. My contemplation gave me a concept why not send gifts to India. I liked the idea and just rushed to a department store in neighbourhood. I bought some special toys and gifts for my little brothers and sisters there. I got them packed in a big gift parcel and handed over to an international courier service here. The reason why I acted in such hurry was the birthday of one of the little champs was due just after 5 days. I kept my fingers crossed to hear the surprise from India but it never reached me until the day of the celebration. I myself had to ask them if they had received any parcel but only to hear a big NO. It reached there on 8th days, though.

There must be a better and faster way to do it, I thought. I determined to find it out. The only resource was Google. So I opened it and asked it to tell me some fastest and safest way of sending cakes to India, or gifts to India. It instantly served the answer. There were so many gift portals from India that were offering these services specially for NRIs. Why didnt it come to my mind earlier. No issue, there was another occasion due in next 3 days. I found a gift portal from my own city Ahmedabad and placed my order online. Would you believe, that the cake was delivered a day before the due date. My fault! I had not asked them to deliver on a specific date. I will take care of that in next order, but I have got a wonderful way of sending cakes to India, or gifts to India.

by: Suluza Pedrik

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