subject: Pheasant Hunting Trip [print this page] There no doubts just how exciting and thrilling pheasant hunting can be and in fact it is one of the best of all hunting sports. If you have ever listened to tales from those who have had the pleasure of engaging in pheasant hunting, you won't find it hard to believe just how much thrill there is to be had from this sport. In fact, pheasant hunting is very popular in many US states though none of these states can provide quite the same level of thrill as South Dakota that is home to well over ten million pheasants.
Know Your Hens from the Roosters
To be sure, as someone involved actively in pheasant hunting, you must first of all learn to distinguish between hens and rooster pheasants before taking your aim and shooting a pheasant, though it must be admitted too that mostly it is not so difficult to tell one from the other. What's more, at certain times you will also need to decide whether to hesitate before taking a shot or even hold back completely, especially as birds that rise into the setting or rising sun require that you make a major decision one way or the other.
A good course of action as far as pheasant hunting goes is to shoot pheasants with the sun behind your back. So, you will need to be aware that roosters make crowing and cackling sounds as soon as they take off, while on the other hand, hens don't make many sounds and you can only tell them from the way that they beat their wings.
Also, before embarking on pheasant hunting trip you would do well to study some useful information that will help you make the right plans such as needing to be fully aware of hunting laws and also knowing beforehand the type of terrain as well as weather conditions you will be encountering on your hunt. You must be knowledgeable about how pheasants are flushed out under different weather conditions.
Some interesting facts related to pheasant hunting include learning that these birds are among the most beautiful birds on our planet. There are as many as forty-nine species and just one species that is not native to Asia where they are found in places as diverse as the snowcapped mountains of the Himalayas and the hot jungles of Indonesia.
Thus, you can plan taking your pheasant hunting trip to these exotic locations. Rest assured that you will get to experience more than just the thrill of shooting peasants because you will also get to experience new cultures, meet different kinds of people and of course, visit wonderful places.
by: Richard C. Thomas
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