subject: How To Make Extra Money Online By Writing Sexy Article Titles [print this page] The words has the power to make extra money online to you, if you honestly concentrate to write your article titles so, that the surfer will find it and that he believes that there is a benefit to him. An effective title must include the search term and the promise, plus it must be able to stand out from the crowd of the many competing titles. The search term will help both the search engines and the readers to find the article.
1. The Title Is The Key.
An author has to plan, what kind of a title he wants to publish. The title writing is almost an art, where so tiny differences have so big influences. On the top of the previously mentioned things, the title has to have a persuasion power, i.e. it must arouse the desire to read the whole story to get the useful thing.
You can visit some article directory and submit your keyword to get a list of related article titles. Now you can judge, whether your title could compete with these and whether it could stand out from this crowd or should you develop it further.
2. To Write A Title Is Like Writing An Advertising Slogan.
The keyword usage is a must, which makes the title copy challenging, especially if the search term is a long tail one. Try to write the title first without the keyword, just an emotional promise to the prospect. When you have found out a good sentence, try to add your keyword into it.
3. The Title Cannot Reveal Everything.
The purpose of an article is to sell the idea of the landing page without revealing everything. So the title cannot reveal the key thing of the landing page. The title is like a strip tease dancer, who promises something, but not everything.
4. Plan The Construction Of An Article.
When the purpose of an article is to persuade the reader to click the link in the bio box, all other parts must fulfil this job. The title has to arouse attention and interest, the teaser must draw the reader deeper into the world of the theme, the body has to widen the theme and the bio box has to persuade the reader to click enthusiastically the link.
5. Use Odd Numbers In The Title.
I have seen, that numbers, especially the odd numbers, work well in the title. These are numbers like 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. The numbers build an image, that the information is exact and researched. Also the lists are effective ones. The title must have power and a strong promise, but it cannot lie. The target is to tell the truth, but in a sexy way.
by: Juhani Tontti
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