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subject: The J Hass Group will assist you with settling your Debt [print this page]

The J Hass Group will assist you with settling your Debt

Are you struggling with credit card debts? Many people are struggling with debt nowadays. With the way that the economy keeps going and interest rates being jacked sky high to recover the trade deficit, it is rough for most people to manage to pay for just the necessities in life, let alone repay their debt. TheJ Hass Group will assist you with settling your debt within 1-3 years, depending on the amount of debt and what your income looks like.

You are not alone with this battle and should not feel ashamed of being behind on your bills. It happens to the best of us. Liability cannot be ignored though, so it is a good idea to settle it once and for all. By settling debts, you can spare yourself a lot of money and stress in the long run.

Our debt settlement company has highly qualified customer service representatives working for them. You will be respectively greeted, and you will be informed about the complete debt resolution progression. If you have any other questions or concerns, those will be assessed as well.

Credit card arrears are one of the most stressful ones to owe, not to mention how aggressive and stress-filled collection agency telephone calls can be. If you are tired of the calls and are not getting anywhere with these collectors, contact us to settle the amount owed.

The J Hass Group will assist you with settling your debt and show you how to deal with phone calls from creditors. Negotiating a settlement agreement seems to be the best option for any debtor that is dealing with credit card companies and their collection agents. If you are ready to be released from this mental and financial anguish, allow us to get you back onto the road of peace.

The J Hass Group will assist you with settling your debt, which stops the harassing phone calls and fixes your credit, in a short amount of time. Payment regimens will be set up according to your expenses and income. It is really that simple. Our company only charges small fees in addition to the payments that will be sent to your creditors and the debt you owe now will be a lot less, by the time we are done assisting you.

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