subject: Te0-121 Rapidshare [print this page] Teradata TE0-121 exams will definitely lead you to better career prospects. Passing TE0-121 exams not only validate your skills but also prove your credentials and expertise to your employers. The current IT industry demands a reliable Teradata TE0-121 exam source, so that you pass your TE0-121 exam in minimum possible time and without wasting much of your money and energies.
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Exam Number/Code : TE0-121
Exam Name : Teradata 12 Basics exam
Questions and Answers : 183 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-12-30
Price: $ 120.00
Teradata TE0-121 Questions:
1. Which is a key capability provided by the Teradata Parallel Database Extensions (PDE)?
A. It monitors system performance.
B. It returns answer sets to the client.
C. It performs disk space management.
D. It controls virtual processor resources.
Answer: A
2. What is a use of the Primary Index in the Teradata Database?
A. to support efficient data access
B. to provide a constraint to ensure Referential Integrity
C. to enable compression on the data to improve query performance
D. to ensure enough AMPs are involved to reduce query processing time
Answer: D
Testinside Teradata TE0-121 Practice Questions are designed with questions, coupled with precise, logical and verified explanations. Our TE0-121 practice exam provides you with an examination experience like no other. Our TE0-121 practice exams and study questions are composed by current and active Information Technology experts, who use their experience in preparing you for your future in IT.
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