subject: Warts clinical feature and treatment [print this page] Warts clinical feature and treatment Warts clinical feature and treatment
Clinical features The clinical lesions that result from infection with HPV, are classified as cutaneous and extracutaneous.
Cutaneous Lesions Common warts
Filiform warts
Flat warts or plane warts
Plantar warts mosaic and myrmecia typepalmar warts
Anogenital warts
Bowenoid papulosis
Extracutaneous LesionsThese are localized to the orificial mucus membrane and includes
Oral common warts
oral condylomata acuminata
Focal epithelial hyperplasia
Oral florid papillomatosis
Nasal papillomas
Conjunctival papillomas
Laryngeal papillomatosiscervical warts
Diagnosis it is clinical. it may be supplemented by histopathology and detection of HPV.Microscopic examination of hematoxylineosin stained section of common warts reveals; parakeratosis
vacuolated cells
Detection of HPV recent advances in molecularnbiology have faciliated the detection of HPV DNA within the tissue.
Salicylic-acid preparations
These are available as drops, gels, pads, and plasters. They are designed for application to all kinds of warts, from tiny ones to great, big lumpy ones. Salicylic acid is a keratolytic medication, which means it dissolves the protein (keratin), which makes up most of both the wart and the thick layer of dead skin that often tops it.
Nonprescription freezing methods
Aerosol wart treatments available over-the-counter use sprays that freeze warts at a temperature of minus 70 F (minus 57 C). This compares with the liquid nitrogen used by most dermatologists, which is considerably colder (minus 320 F or minus 196 C).
Duct tape
It is claimed that warts can be "suffocated" by covering them with duct tape or other nonbreathing tape, such as electrical tape. This treatment is hard to use, however, because in order to work, the tape must be left in place all the time and removed only a few hours once per week. Almost always, the tape falls off.
Warts under the nails: These are extremely resistant to treatment. One or two tries by the doctor are worth a shot, but if they fail, putting acid on them yourself just makes them look rough and unattractive.
"Mosaic" warts: Tiny, so-called "seed warts" can proliferate by the dozens or hundreds all over the sole of the foot. They don't usually hurt, and they rarely respond to any sort of treatment, although in this case, too, one or two tries at treatment may be in order.
Flat warts: These are small, flat, flesh-colored pimples and may be numerous on one part of the body (for example on the face, arms, or groin). Getting rid of them by a light application of salicylic acid or other method is easy enough, but they have a tendency to recur.
Herbal Unani Treatment
Garlic Garlic is one of the most commonly used home remedies for treatment of wart. take fresh raw garlic and make its paste. Apply this paste at infected area and cover with a perforated cloth till this become dry.
Castor oil this is also effective in curing wart. Apply this oil at infected area and cover it so that dust should not stick over the skin.
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