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Balikbayan Boxes and Online Shops: Advantages and Disadvantages

Balikbayan boxes became popular because of its use, which is a type of package normally used by overseas Filipinos to send gifts to their loved ones in the Philippines. However, other than the use of these packages, many overseas Filipinos have also used a number of Philippine-based online shops to send gifts back home.

The first method is considered as the traditional method of sending gifts, while the use of online shops is considered as the modern method. Both methods are known for its advantages which made them popular for overseas Filipinos.

However, both methods are also known for its disadvantages, which make the other method more advantageous. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of using these methods of sending gifts?

Advantages and Disadvantages of using Balikbayan Boxes


The main advantage of using balikbayan boxes, according to many overseas Filipinos, is its cost-efficiency compared to the use of other types of packages. Because of its size, which is much bigger and bulkier compared to conventional packages, overseas Filipinos can easily stuff-in multiple items from usual gift items to common household items. And if the items are sent in small, individual, boxes, the cost can be significant.

Another advantage is that balikbayan boxes can be used to send gift Philippines which are usually rare, or not available, in the Philippines, such as signature apparel, unique gadgets and toys, as well as rare accessories.


The disadvantage of using balikbayan boxes is that it usually takes a lot of time and effort to arrange and send one. Another major advantage is its delivery, which is said to take weeks to even a month. There is also the lack of a solid delivery date.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using Online Shops


The advantage of using online shops is its convenience, in which over seas Filipinos would only have to access an online shop (must be Philippine-based) to send gift Philippines. Its convenience also allowed overseas Filipinos to send gifts while at work or while relaxing at home.

Another major advantage of using online shops is that these services allowed overseas Filipinos to send gift Philippines which are usually impossible to send through the use of balikbayan boxes, such as bouquets of flowers, cakes, lechons, and many more.

Its delivery services are also an advantage. Compared to taking weeks and even a month, online shops offer a delivery service which normally takes 2 to 5 working days. Others can even offer a delivery service which would only take 24-hours.


The disadvantage of online shops is that the items available online are usually those which are available in the Philippines. Rare items found abroad can only be sent through a package. Another is that items sold in these online services are usually very expensive. This is because customers are not only paying for the item, but also for the convenience such as their online service and their delivery services.For more information visit to our site at

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