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subject: Balboa Park -'dr Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas [print this page]

Balboa Park -'dr Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas

How the Grinch Stole Christmas has become a staple of the Christmas season. People love following the transformation of the heartless Grinch into a lovable Santa like creature. This season, guests can take it all in at The Old Globe Theatre-Balboa Park- Dr. Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The production will run from November 21st to December 27th. Bay area visitors can purchase tickets to the Grinch and book a room at the Marriotts Coronado resort in order to make the holiday season fun and memorable.

When people book a room at the Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa and also reserve seats for the Grinch, they will get the complete bay area Christmas experience. Not only will guests be able to see an amazing show, but they can then go back to the best of the Coronado Island resorts to relax after the event.

The Marriotts resort Coronado offers guests ample opportunities to unwind. Before the show, visitors can eat California cuisine at Current or Asian-Fusion at Roys-San Diego. After watching the Grinch, guests can return to the Coronado Island resort and have a nightcap at Tides. Tides offers signature cocktails and appetizers.

The Marriotts Coronado resort San Diego gives guests the ability to truly enjoy their visit to the bay area. Guests are close to Balboa Park and the Grinch, and they also have the opportunity to utilize everything the hotel has to offer. People should get the most out of Coronado resorts so they can enjoy their stay. They will get exactly what they are looking for when they stay at the Coronado Island Marriott Resort & Spa.

by: Jed Crowl

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